HA Infomation

Marine Nationale


  • Reynaud Setup

    07. 28. 2013 15:29


Hey guys,

Anyone have a recommendation setup for Reynaud? (Engine, Guns, etc)?



  • Re : Reynaud Setup

    07. 28. 2013 16:48


for engine = pick the cl engine with the highest HP (Horse Power)

for guns = If you plan to go asw, mount PHH on your R slots
 For aa use the 3.5" A (they're level 25) with a GA of 25 degree (MN uses normal       gunners for its aaing)
For battling in blitz... i forgot what i use before (I used the 3.9" guns but since its been change, can't mount it freely with a lot of binds of ammo), so probably use mogador's guns

for armor = just .2 belt and bulge, don't bother AW it, like emden they're fragile :D

hopes this help 

  • Re : Reynaud Setup

    07. 28. 2013 17:22


Thanks phantom3553!

Very helpful information :) I'm pretty new to this game... there are a couple R slots that don't turn all the way like the regular ones. I assume those are mean't for AA guns?

It seems like only Mogador's guns will fit with enough ammo for Blitz... was hoping for a heavier gun but oh well.

Thanks again! 

  • Re : Reynaud Setup

    07. 28. 2013 17:25


Would you recommend 2x5.1" Model 1932 A guns? 

  • Re : Reynaud Setup

    07. 29. 2013 15:08


Originally Posted by cptsharpey

Would you recommend 2x5.1" Model 1932 A guns? 

you could mount them but you won't have ammo, gunspace of Reynaud is 70 and the space required for 5.1" 1932 A is 68, you have 2 space left... 

Originally Posted by cptsharpey

 there are a couple R slots that don't turn all the way like the regular ones. I assume those are mean't for AA guns? 

i'm guessing your talking about the 2 R slot in front near the bridge of the ship? or the other 2 behind them where you could mount torp launcher?