HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 17:44

Just saying it's REALLY annoying when EVERY SINGLE SHIP spams smoke for their bbs so EVERY SINGLE bb you fight is nothing but a cloud of smoke CONSTANTLY. How come every event there are so many smoke drops? Lower it maybe I mean it's stupid to think that everyone has 200+ smokebombs just sitting there to use at EVERY opportunity. Jesus... can't even play a gb anymore since I can't even see what I'm shooting EVER


  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 17:50

Smoke reload time needs a nerf...

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 18:05

"Can't even see what I am shooting ever?"

Let's see, if it's not for being fighter's because CVs are trending towards being more BW'd than FW'd.....or now, it's due to the amount of smoke being used.

Boy, we BB players are simply fraked, huh? /s =.=

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 18:10

1) SDE gives away tons of smoke
2) you use tons of smoke
3) you become addicted to smokes
4) you run out of smoke
5) you buy tons of smokes
6) profit

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 18:13

Originally Posted by Mythic23

Just saying it's REALLY annoying when EVERY SINGLE SHIP spams smoke for their bbs so EVERY SINGLE bb you fight is nothing but a cloud of smoke CONSTANTLY. How come every event there are so many smoke drops? Lower it maybe I mean it's stupid to think that everyone has 200+ smokebombs just sitting there to use at EVERY opportunity. Jesus... can't even play a gb anymore since I can't even see what I'm shooting EVER

Why is it that every one cry's about things. Its a game get over it. If you can not shoot then back away till you can see the BB then move back in after it. That is not so hard is it?

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 18:19

Tell teh CVs to lower their fighters to disperse the smoke.
If they don't then call them n00b (remember to use two zeroes "0" instead of "o" or "O".
The painful and straight critique should cause every CV become instantly obedient and cause them to lover his planes even when they are not yet AAW resistant.

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 18:26

Originally Posted by Thundercats

Originally Posted by Mythic23

Just saying it's REALLY annoying when EVERY SINGLE SHIP spams smoke for their bbs so EVERY SINGLE bb you fight is nothing but a cloud of smoke CONSTANTLY. How come every event there are so many smoke drops? Lower it maybe I mean it's stupid to think that everyone has 200+ smokebombs just sitting there to use at EVERY opportunity. Jesus... can't even play a gb anymore since I can't even see what I'm shooting EVER

Why is it that every one cry's about things. Its a game get over it. If you can not shoot then back away till you can see the BB then move back in after it. That is not so hard is it?

No need to be so overly condescending

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 19:03

Originally Posted by Mythic23

Originally Posted by Thundercats

Originally Posted by Mythic23

Just saying it's REALLY annoying when EVERY SINGLE SHIP spams smoke for their bbs so EVERY SINGLE bb you fight is nothing but a cloud of smoke CONSTANTLY. How come every event there are so many smoke drops? Lower it maybe I mean it's stupid to think that everyone has 200+ smokebombs just sitting there to use at EVERY opportunity. Jesus... can't even play a gb anymore since I can't even see what I'm shooting EVER

Why is it that every one cry's about things. Its a game get over it. If you can not shoot then back away till you can see the BB then move back in after it. That is not so hard is it?

No need to be so overly condescending

Well its just how it is. You can just hold till the smoke goes away then attack. No need to get upset and come here and post this. You have to remember its a game nothing more. People are going to spend money on it and us it.

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 19:12

Welcome to three weeks ago. And now with everybody packing 300+ smokes on their account, it's gonna take a while for them to burn out.

I haven't shelled and killed and seen it this month. Not once.

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 19:18

Originally Posted by Thundercats

Originally Posted by Mythic23

Originally Posted by Thundercats

Originally Posted by Mythic23

Just saying it's REALLY annoying when EVERY SINGLE SHIP spams smoke for their bbs so EVERY SINGLE bb you fight is nothing but a cloud of smoke CONSTANTLY. How come every event there are so many smoke drops? Lower it maybe I mean it's stupid to think that everyone has 200+ smokebombs just sitting there to use at EVERY opportunity. Jesus... can't even play a gb anymore since I can't even see what I'm shooting EVER

Why is it that every one cry's about things. Its a game get over it. If you can not shoot then back away till you can see the BB then move back in after it. That is not so hard is it?

No need to be so overly condescending

Well its just how it is. You can just hold till the smoke goes away then attack. No need to get upset and come here and post this. You have to remember its a game nothing more. People are going to spend money on it and us it.

Running away all game from smokes is fun! The only thing you can do is counter-smoke which just causes both sides to sit there until the smokes disappear! It is totally fun to play like this! Even more fun in HA! People really shouldn't be complaining about their game becoming less fun! Being upset because your favorite game is being ruined by moronic decisions is totally absurd! Navyfield is perfect! Stop complaining noobs! Remember, real life isn't fair so nothing else should be fair or fun! It's much more fun to be a peon!

  • Re : Smoke Getting Ridiculous

    07. 23. 2011 21:42

Get over it. Its getting to a point where BB drivers want every thing hand to them on a plate. Theres to much smoke, i cant see, i need FP cover, CV bomb the flag, Subs need nerfing, torps need nerfing. for gods sake stop your dam whining if you don't like how people play the game you BB drivers have a choice start your own BB room. thats right that want work because you can't see, LMAO, If you respond to this post then BB drivers are proving the point they want everything hand to them on a plate. If you are a BB driver that does nothing of the above i congratulate you, you are a exception.

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