Hi everyone! For my first ship review, I have selected my favorite ship; the Hyuga.
Class: Battleship
Tier: 3
FCS: BB Aiming (Accuracy: 75)
Engine: BBII Heavy (SPH: 88,000)
Armor: 0.2 Belt and Bulge till right before losing a knot
Max Speed: 39 Knots
When it comes to guns, the 16L Type 90's are the way to go. Though the Type 3's range the Type 90's by the width of a hair, the Type 90's are lighter and deal more damage. Using light shells at max angle, (43°) the Hyuga can virtually penetrate the armor of any ship in the game. The Hyuga uses the Ise hull, meaning that there are 6 gun placements (2 Front, 4 Rear) . Couple that with the dual 16L's and you have 12 shells flying through the air. My max damage dealt in 1 salvo came out to 60,006.
The attacking power and reload speed of the Hyuga is its main advantages. Two major negatives of this ship is the speed (23/39) and the high angle (43°). This makes it very difficult to chase down ships. The ship level (84) means that you have to play it in GB. Having BB3 range means that most ships will range you. The turrets do not turn far. The Hyuga does not have a glass jaw, but it does not absorb damage.
You can deal one-shots in this ship, but to consistently win the BB battle, you have to play smart. Attack ships when they are engaging other ships. Pay attention to enemy scouts. Know when to be passive and when to be aggressive. Draw your oppoent into your range and fire. Be confident. In a Hyuga, any ship that you can not kill with one salvo can be killed with two.