HA Infomation

Marine Nationale


  • MN Fighter Pilots late classing question.

    12. 22. 2014 05:38


Gooday my dears. 

Can someone tell me if is better to class lately a Recon Pilot to Fighter Pilot and also, Fighter Pilot to ACE Fighter.

I already did this procedure, which was classing Fighter Pilots at level 120, but i can't remember which are the level at which i can class, so I need some advices for playin :D

Thank you 


  • Re : MN Fighter Pilots late classing question.

    12. 22. 2014 14:08


You'd always want to class a pilot to Fighter at the earliest possible (lvl 40).

So no delay classing from Recon (you could have skipped Recon, left the pilot Special Forces until 40 and then class Fighter = 30 points more Repair/Restore).

Further classing (to Ace or not) depends on how many vets you're planning to put on. There are plenty of threads on this topic. One thing, NEVER class Squad leader (this is for the nations that can do this, not MN).