12. 10. 2015 05:53
Due to the fact that we can now level until 125 we dont just play BB6 for fun but rather for leveling. This causes a lot of BB6 players and 4 in one room is too low in my opinion.For example in WaW there were yesterday 18 BB6 in one room. So I guess it would be useful to enhance the cap in Great Battle 1 as well.(Sorry for bad english)
12. 10. 2015 06:26
I'm sure that in time SDE will consider raising the SD ship cap in GB.
12. 10. 2015 13:04
I'm not sure I agree. You can level just fine in a bb5 especially when you have 2 bb6 to aim for.More BB6 would make it even more difficult for lower tier ships, wouldn't it? Oh a no BB can smoke rule would be nice though...
12. 11. 2015 04:37