HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Nagato guns

    08. 15. 2011 16:33

Um so im curious are the type 3s better or the type 90s, the type 90s seem to be better, having less weight and faster reload time, and i believe the two guns have the same range. Correct me if im wrong...I looked at boom's guide and saw the type 3s equiped so just making sure which guns to use ^^ tks.

*uh and i just read that the type 3s do have a bit more range, but the ijn guns are inconsistent so range doesnt really matter. 


  • Re : Nagato guns

    08. 15. 2011 17:43

Type 90's.

  • Re : Nagato guns

    08. 16. 2011 01:06

The Type 3s are said to have slightly better spread. Type 90s on the other hand use heavier shells, which means more damage especially to armored targerts.

  • Re : Nagato guns

    08. 16. 2011 05:53

For GB, I'd use the Type 90s, because of their godly armour penetration. In the unlikely event of an BB1-3 room, Type 3 would be better because of the slightly better range.

  • Re : Nagato guns

    08. 16. 2011 08:59

I just started using Nagato and it appears to me no AP is needed with the type 90s.

  • Re : Nagato guns

    08. 16. 2011 11:54

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

I just started using Nagato and it appears to me no AP is needed with the type 90s.

If I remember correctly, the Naggy's Armor penetration is quite out of whack (in the direction of OP'd).

  • Re : Nagato guns

    08. 16. 2011 16:10

I just wish I didnt need to wait 15 levels for a better spread. Fleemates are telling me around level 110 it will get better. I'm also not liking the short and fat shape it has because z/c is not so effective.

  • Re : Nagato guns

    08. 16. 2011 21:06

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

I just wish I didnt need to wait 15 levels for a better spread. Fleemates are telling me around level 110 it will get better. I'm also not liking the short and fat shape it has because z/c is not so effective.

I've tried naggy with atlevel gunners, 100+ gunners and 120 gunners, and never felt the spread was all that consistent. The ship frustrated me to all ends, that said though I've seen others play it with great success. I used Fuso till Yammy as it was.

  • Re : Nagato guns

    08. 16. 2011 21:20

Type 3 are supposed to have better spread.

Can't say I saw much of it. As far as my opinion go, its the same as blazer. Heck random.

The Type 3 HE are however better against unarmored target, a salvo of Type 3 hurts more than a salvo of type 90.

But VS armor......type 90 even with HE, and you shall laugh your arse. AW QV get pierced like melted butter versus a chainsaw.

Great GB guns, massive lol on the hyuga. The lesser gun weight gets compensated by the massive shell weight tough. So you'll have a final weight that is pretty much the same.