HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 09. 2019 01:33



Saludos team de navyfield Junto con saludar  escribo este post para discutir sobre las salas de nuestro juego, hoy en día navyfield si bien no a sido muy estable a tenido muchos cambios y uno de esos cambios mas críticos pero justo, fue el sacar los bb 6 y ebb6 y 7  de las Great battles, considerando que fue una buena decisión creo que muchos jugadores están de acuerdo conmigo que se extraña llevar nuestros bb6 a tales salas, ya que solo se pueden usar en salas de full bb y las world at war , sin embargo los jugadores evitan las World at War, intuyo que a de ser por la dinámica que modifica tanto la velocidad como el reload  ya que muchos barcos al subir su velocidad son imparables como el bourgone o charles o moskba a mas de 50 nudos.

 Quería dar ideas sobre cambiar nuevamente las dinámicas del juego y si podrían ser posibles. Tomando en consideración que puede ser un gran trabajo para los programadores detrás de este juego, aún así por muy estúpido que se lea esto, creo que hablo por muchos, esperando obviamente los comentarios de los jugadores que tengas inquietudes por el mismo tema.


Great battles : se podría en esta room dejar que entren bb6 y cv 6 originales  del juego es decir los clase 6 que corresponden en las respectivas líneas ejemplo káiser, queen victoria, Amagi , De grasse en fin los clases 6 clásicos, “espero hacerme entender”  …..ya que…… ¿cual es la idea de llegar a 120 y sacar un clase 6  si el único uso que se le puede dar es en un Asalto de puerto y otros(salas  que nunca se juegan)

World at war :

Al no ser posibles esta opción, ¿seria posible sacar esa pequeña alteración que sufren los barcos en las world at war? manteniendo las características estándar de los barcos, que podría ser una causa puntual del porque muchos usuarios no juegan en susodichas salas

Ese seria mi post esto esta escrito en español y traduciré todo esto para habla anglosajona tomando en consideración que el traductor puede cambiar de sentido el texto les dejo este texto original.

      Se que generalmente no hacen fanservice tampoco lo pido, pero espero que consideren este punto de vista mio que ha sido lo más parcial posible tomando en consideración que soy un jugador muy antiguo e independientemente que este agradecido del esfuerzo que han hecho por mantener el juego aún vigente, aun siento nostalgia y extraño el navy de antaño con sus dinámica clásica.





Greetings navyfield team Along with say hello I write this post to discuss the rooms of our game, nowadays navyfield although it has not been very stable to have had many changes and one of those changes more critical but fair, was the removal of the bb 6 and ebb6 and 7 of the Great battles, considering that it was a good decision I think that many players agree with me that it is strange to take our bb6 to such rooms, since they can only be used in full bb and world at war rooms, However, the players avoid the World at War, I suspect that it is due to the dynamics that modify both the speed and the reload since many boats when climbing their speed are unstoppable as the bourgone or charles or moskba at more than 50 knots.

 I wanted to give ideas about changing the dynamics of the game again and if they could be possible. Taking into consideration that it can be a great job for the programmers behind this game, however stupid it may be to read this, I think I speak for many, obviously waiting for the comments of players who have concerns about the same subject.

 Great battles: it could be in this room to let in bb6 and cv 6 originals of the game that is to say the class 6 that correspond in the respective lines example kaiser, queen victoria, Amagi, De grasse in the class 6 classics, "I hope to make me understand "... ... since ... what is the idea of ??getting to 120 and taking a class 6 if the only use that can be given is in a harbor assault and others (rooms that are never played)?

World at war:

As this option is not possible, would it be possible to remove that small alteration suffered by ships in the world at war? maintaining the standard characteristics of the boats, which could be a specific cause of why many users do not play in the aforementioned rooms

That would be my post this is written in Spanish and I will translate all this for Anglo-Saxon speaking taking into consideration that the translator can change the meaning of the text I leave this original text.

      I know that fanservice do not usually ask for it, but I hope you consider this point of view that has been as partial as possible considering that I am a very old player and independently that I am grateful for the effort they have made to keep the game still In force, I still feel nostalgic and miss the navy of yesteryear with its classic dynamics.







  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 21. 2019 05:18


wenas ideas! ojala acá las revise alguien!


  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 21. 2019 17:59


i am totaly agree with you since BB6+ have removed why we should use it !!
and what about the players who can't Join into HA/HD ....

nowadays i see this is the perfect time to return the Trade back so we don't feel isolated from Each other , i guess most of the Hackers have been catshed 99% of them . 

i wish they even consider our Topics and See good solutions for that 

  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 22. 2019 06:41



  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 22. 2019 13:48


First off, the main reasons that players don't play world at war are the high crew death rate, the minimum level that prevents players from joining if they even have a single crew they're leveling that isn't high enough, and that many players do not have crews optimized for it. and thus shy away because they don't get as much advantage from the extended caps (everything's still capped one way or another).

Because any ship can go 50 with the right crew, that's not really an issue. Being able to do so with armored UK ships is only slightly problematic due to faster reload when targeting them. And subs, while otherwise OP due to submerged speed and insane torpedo reload, run out of ammo FAST. The biggest problem is the number of players online, only so many of which have full crews high enough to play, and core crews optimized for the type. Most of the time, there simply aren't enough online to fill the rooms.

A reduction in crew death or even just protection from vet loss would do far more for the type. Lowering the minimum crew level would do even more. Reinstituting regular caps rather than help, would more likely kill it completely.


If you want a more normal room to let players use BB6+, a better option would be to buff the experience for BB rooms to closer to that of Great Battles. The main reason those aren't played is the low experience gain. However, even that has a difficult aspect in that making it equal would get BB players to just make BB rooms and starve great battles of that ship type - to the detriment of everyone not in BBs (and to a degree BB players themselves). It would have to be handled carefully.

  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 23. 2019 01:39


Originally Posted by ErwinJA



If you want a more normal room to let players use BB6+, a better option would be to buff the experience for BB rooms to closer to that of Great Battles. The main reason those aren't played is the low experience gain. 

If you Got a BB6 why you need the exp anyway , most players who used them all the time in GB had already reached 125 

+1 for getting trade back 

  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 23. 2019 21:13


yo estoy de acuerdo en que se permita poder usar BB6 en GB, te pasas muchas horas subiendo niveles para despues no poder usarlo, que bloqueen los EBB6, BB6,5 y demas, pero los BB6 de arbol de naciones los vuelvan a permitir

  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 24. 2019 00:12


Tier 6 are too expensive, if can't be used where  the player want it would be better they refund  the credits and the points or give them a ship that can be used in all the rooms

  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 29. 2019 15:04


Originally Posted by cc2224cody

Tier 6 are too expensive, if can't be used where  the player want it would be better they refund  the credits and the points or give them a ship that can be used in all the rooms

BB6+s were never intended as regular use ships. That's why their repair cost was originally set higher than the credits they could earn in GB. They were also not balanced with GB in mind, resulting in some being pathetic there, while others made the entire room type easy mode. The problems got to ridiculous levels with the addition of BB6.5s, several of which were just grossly unfair for normal players to go up against in a GB setting. As long as those issues remain, the proper avenue is not to try and get them back into GB, as advocates who have those offensive ships and those that don't care will always be drowned out by the angry masses harmed by their inclusion.

Rather, you should advocate new and expanded places where they could be used without alienating the bulk of the player base.

  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 30. 2019 17:01


Originally Posted by nipper2271

Originally Posted by ErwinJA



If you want a more normal room to let players use BB6+, a better option would be to buff the experience for BB rooms to closer to that of Great Battles. The main reason those aren't played is the low experience gain. 

If you Got a BB6 why you need the exp anyway , most players who used them all the time in GB had already reached 125 

Despite most probably recognizing how silly this notion is, I eventually decided to respond to this anyway:

A BB6 does not mean all your crew are level 125 and you will not be leveling any more. If it did, allowing them into GB would never be a problem outside of win-based event requirements.

Since everything but the BO and gunners can be 115, and there are 5 levels after reaching 120, there's still a grind. Players may also use it to level SS, CV, and additional BB crew, or better replacements for existing suboptimal ones. And while many players who used BB6s maxed those crews, many did not, especially considering that new people get them with some frequency.

  • Re : Sugerencias para mejorar la dinamica del juego GB WaW

    05. 30. 2019 18:50


Con la perdida de marinos por transferencia al igual que otros recursos; esto motivo el cierre del trade.
Los justos pagamos por los pecadores mi estimado. 

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