HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • ZGL fleet, no have honor

    10. 18. 2020 11:27


one more time this fleet without honor don play fair,  they dont defender and fire again port


  • Re : ZGL fleet, no have honor

    10. 19. 2020 02:14


Flota ZGL a tenido una actitud burda, nefasta, poco amistosa y falta de seriedad en los últimos HA y HD que a enfrentado contra flotas, en especial las ultimas 2 representadas en su mayoria por latinos.
Lo ultimo es lo que revalso el vaso, no defender y descarardamente auto bajar el puerto, sumado a mas acusaciones del uso de Cheats en los HA le quita seriedad y gracia a lo unico que esta manteniendo a los jugadores activos, jugar un HD y HA los fines de semana.
Espero esta ves el Staff de NF tome sanciones en esto ya que muchos nos programamos pars estos eventos dejando tiempo de familia y amistad para estar presentes, ademas de aquellos que madrugan para presentarse y se encuentran con esta desagradable situación.

GG ZGL, espero que maduren de una vez.



Fleet ZGL has had a rude, nefarious, unfriendly attitude and lack of seriousness in the 
last HA and HD that it has faced against fleets, especially the last 2 represented mostly
by Latinos. The last thing is what revalued the glass, not defending and shamelessly car lowering
the port, added to more accusations of the use of Cheats in the HA takes away
seriousness and grace from the only thing that is keeping the players active, playing a
HD and HA weekends. I hope this time the NF Staff take sanctions in this since many of us schedule ourselves
for these events leaving family time and friendship to be present, in addition to those
who get up early to present themselves and find this unpleasant situation. GG ZGL, I hope they mature at once.


  • Re : ZGL fleet, no have honor

    10. 19. 2020 23:41


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