HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Premium Gift and Ships

    08. 31. 2011 13:28

I was recently invited to the game, and if I continue the Premium Subscription, I get a Premium Ship to go with it.  I'm currently playing the Japanese cruiser line, towards battleships, but what would you all reccommend as a good premium shipt to get?  I would like something with at least medium firepower and a good rate of fire.


  • Re : Premium Gift and Ships

    08. 31. 2011 13:46

Welcome to NF.
We hope you to enjoy this game, though there are flaw in it.

Rules in NF at choosing nation. Choose because of the gameplay. If you choose the japanese, just because they are japanese, then it isn`t a wise choice.
Since you have started this recently, you can still do a quick go back.

My suggestion would be to read the game guide in the game info tab.
From then, you can choose what does suit you.

  • Re : Premium Gift and Ships

    08. 31. 2011 16:34

Originally Posted by richardphat

Welcome to NF.
We hope you to enjoy this game, though there are flaw in it.

Rules in NF at choosing nation. Choose because of the gameplay. If you choose the japanese, just because they are japanese, then it isn`t a wise choice.
Since you have started this recently, you can still do a quick go back.

My suggestion would be to read the game guide in the game info tab.
From then, you can choose what does suit you.

Thanks for the advice. I have looked through a few guides, and I specifically chose the Japanese for their torpedos; I'm having a boatload of fun with them. The Yamato and its heavy guns attracts me too. The British with their heavy armor sounds nice, but its not quite what I'm looking for; I'd much prefer to have a good gun and be able to take a few hits rather than stay on the field the entire game.

  • Re : Premium Gift and Ships

    09. 02. 2011 01:27

If you are going for the ijn line, i suggest you to get the PBB ( B65 project) . It has one more support slot than the other ijn bbs at the same level, which could aid you at training your crew for your future bbs more efficiently.

although IJN has good torps, i also suggest you not to put on torpedos when you get to use your BBs, try to put on AA ( anti aircraft guns)

there are a lot of information on, you can take a look at that too :)

hope i can help, and welcome :))

  • Re : Premium Gift and Ships

    09. 02. 2011 08:58

Originally Posted by firesonboy

If you are going for the ijn line, i suggest you to get the PBB ( B65 project) . It has one more support slot than the other ijn bbs at the same level, which could aid you at training your crew for your future bbs more efficiently.

hope i can help, and welcome :))

i second this recommendation for getting teh ijn pbb ...

the ijn pcl dhonburi is fun (with OVER LEVELED gunners) .. but is limited with at-level gunners ....

the ijn PCA asama is pretty much teh worse pca in-game .. not worth getting at all IMHO ....

on the other hand the ijn pbb B65 is one of the top 3 pbb in game (seva / dorie / B65) ... GET IT
it makes the ijn BB grind bearable (unless you happen to have the ijn EBB2 and EBB3 as well)
IMHO the only ijn BB worth getting before the yamato is the bb2 ise cv remodel .. for the novelty

i did my ijn bb bo grind in my kita .. (used my cv bo's on the mogami to level lower gunners)
then i used the ise cv until i got my gunners up there ... then switched to the PBB and used it to bring up crew
stick your aa-to-be-sailors in the t slots and level them up as armament (using either AA or Torps)

below lvl 90 .. they two most used ijn bb's in my dock are the PBB and the EBB3 ...

so definately get the PBB for ijn .. even if you have to park it until you level up enough to use it