HA Infomation



  • Subs

    09. 01. 2011 03:09

Recommend : 0

So im really tired of seeing the same people whine about ss on the suggestion forums and the same ideas are coming up and mostly won't work. I would love to see the sub play expanded and this is what I think would help. but by all means add to my ideas and tell me where I go wrong but do try to add with every post rather then just point out problems. 

So I think the subs should have 3 dive levels shallow standard and deep. So shallow depth is what we have now, ff dd cl can spot without sonarman but ss cant be shot with surface guns. now the standard depth is below ff dd cl sonar natural ability and only can be spotted with a sonarman on board. Then deep depth is the crit dive. Now with shallow depth sub can go faster but I would say only as fast as they are now. With the standard dive they go slower hence why they are “harder” to spot. on the shallow depth torps are less likely to shoot under. From a standard depth  torps are more like to go under and have less splash damage to surfaced ships. In addition to the lower splash damage I think that the hh and phh should do max damage to shallow depth subs and 50% to standard depth subs, where as DC do max to standard depth subs and 50% to shallow depth subs. For a sub to go from shallow to deep depth is 1.5x as long as standard to deep. and surfacing from standard is 1.5x as long as shallow to surface. With standard depth subs have less sight then shallow depth, with shallow depth being about the same sight as now, and standard dept being 50% max sonar sight. Any subs in shallow depth won’t see enemy subs in standard depth until they are at 70% max sonar sight where as standard depth subs can spot shallow depth subs at max sonar sight

Now with all this added i think SS should have lower total torps with lower reload but with Higher damage on average. But with that torps need to “hit”  the target to do the higher damage so splash damage is lower but direct hits are higher. One thing about that though is that KM get higher splash damage due to the proxie torps tendency to go off before “hiting”  Also i think air time needs added to all the ss so that with the few torps they have they  can still be effective for a longer time, this would encourage subs to go after CVs and high priority BB. right now ss1 and ss2 go after the first thing they see due to the low air. For the air gathering rate, you should be able to gather 5 seconds of air for every second surfaced so 1 min up 5 min down. 

Again feel free to add or fix or point our flaws as the best ideas come from 100’s rather then just 1 so lets all work on some ideas for a better ss blanace rather then some just asking for buff and the rest whining for nerfs


  • Re : Subs

    09. 01. 2011 04:59

There are two threads with sub changes, tweaks and balances in the test server forum. There are suggestions there that are very similar to what you have proposed here.

I don't mean to ignore your ideas, but I believe it's best if we don't spread out the discussion any more than it already is.

  • Re : Subs

    09. 01. 2011 08:58

lol my bad I should have looked there. thanks for letting me know. I know I have been thinking about this for some time and wondered how no else had. thanks