HA Infomation



  • Wall of Shame (or Fail or Banned or whatever won't get a Copyright infringement)

    09. 03. 2011 20:07

Recommend : 0

Lets make a webpage on this forum showing all the people supposible "caught" by hackshield and via jajaja reportas for hacking...

I curious to see how fail *Cough* effective Hackshield has been compared to the issues it's caused in the last 8 months compared to hard  evidence from the playerbase....


  • Re : Wall of Shame (or Fail or Banned or whatever won't get a Copyright infringement)

    09. 03. 2011 20:09

SDE policy are against that sadly.

I'd very much like to know who are behind the recent try to cheat out the HA time change vote, and what they'll take, and who gets caught using sprite modification vs the fog of war and such, but I doutb we'll ever see it.

  • Re : Wall of Shame (or Fail or Banned or whatever won't get a Copyright infringement)

    09. 06. 2011 09:15

If someone is banned, we have a right to know, and they arent around to feel shamed anyway right??? The community wants transparency. This other game I now of has a whole section of the forums dedicated to showing the community they aggressively catch and punish cheaters. This is a bad thing? Screw a cheater, out them, and permaban them. Unless you were a greedy company running a dying niche game and needing EVERY cent......even from cheaters who "promise not to do it again"?? The only way these sorts of suspicions will ever be laid to rest is public outing and punishment. Otherwise the community can only assume the worst is true....

  • Re : Wall of Shame (or Fail or Banned or whatever won't get a Copyright infringement)

    09. 07. 2011 18:14

Wall of Fails goes to Jedi Forums. :)