HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • Reapers of the Skies: USN AA Guide (Please Sticky if Still Useful)

    06. 24. 2011 19:15

Hi everyone.  Posting another of the old guides that I could find.  Feel free to sticky if still valid or comment and tell everyone else why not.

Reapers of the Skies: USN AA Guide
11 15 2007 10:06PM    
The goal of this guide is to teach players how to effectively use AA guns for ships
of the United States Navy. Before continuing, please note that this is not a
comprehensive view: this is simply my own perspective and advice. Different people
will advocate different approaches towards using AA; anyone who feels that they
disagree with me are fully in their right to do so. However, based on my experience,
I believe that this is one of the most effective ways to utilize USN AA.

Note: for another approach towards AA, please read Cubone85's AA guide:

While it's different from my approach, Cubone himself is also a highly skilled AA-er,
so heeding his advice in place of mine has its benefits.

This guide is divided into eight parts:

A. Introduction
B. Basic pointers for beginners
C. Basic Tactics
D. Important factors for AA
E. An evaluation of feasible AA guns
F. Which ships can best use AA
G. An escort's guide to protecting their charge
H. Advanced tips and tactics

I may add an FAQ at a later point if warranted, but for the time being, this guide will
consist of only the above eight parts.
Level: 55
Server: Arizona
Fleet: Taqmata
Re : Reapers of the Skies: USN AA Guide
11 15 2007 10:06PM    
A. Introduction

So, you've decided to go the way of USN AA? Well, I don't envy you, but since you're
already here, let's make the best of it.

One of the things you most often hear is, USN AA sucks. This is both true and false.

While the USN's supposed national advantage is in AA and AAW, this doesn't completely work
out; USN sailors do get a +2 bonus to AAW upon classing, but most players find that this
bonus only helps marginally, to the point where it might as well not exist at all. Also,
currently AA gunner class sailors are pointless; as AA gunners lose Reload growth at each
classing, using them means that you'll be able to get off fewer salvos of flak at a target
while it's in range, which greatly lowers your performance potential. And seeing as how
the A variant guns for the USN perform only marginally better (or inferior in some cases)
to N, L, or D variant guns of the same type, there really is no point in using the AA
gunner class. As such, most USN players will use the Reload gunner class instead, and use
the corresponding N, L, or D variant guns.

So, what's the good part about USN AA? Well, to put it one way, it doesn't suck. While
they perform inferior to most KM AA guns, they are still deadly enough to clear the skies
just as well, if put in the right hands. While a bit lacking in range depending on which
gun and which variant you use, USN AA guns have a good combination of damage and reload
time, which allows them to effectively lay waste to anything that does come into range. To
put it simply: they may not be scout snipers, but they're excellent bomber squadron

Furthermore, many USN ships are extremely well-suited to be AA ships, or have the ability
to carry very potent secondary batteries. Out of the 38 ships in the USN ship tree, only
13 ships, 10 of them gunships, do not have the capability to carry effective AA. The rest
can either carry a secondary battery powerful enough to fend for itself, or be converted
into virtual floating flak fortresses.

B. Basic Pointers for Beginners

Now, to get started. The first thing I recommend that you do is to go to the following site:

If you're a new player, that site will provide you with all the information you need to
start properly. However, the main reason that I want you to go there is because of the
AA gui


  • Re : Reapers of the Skies: USN AA Guide (Please Sticky if Still Useful)

    06. 27. 2011 13:21

what USN AA gunes have good range? They seem to have low range compared to IJN/MN/KMS AA guns so if a cv tries to db you you won't have much time to shoot down the planes

  • Re : Reapers of the Skies: USN AA Guide (Please Sticky if Still Useful)

    10. 18. 2011 15:19


  • Re : Reapers of the Skies: USN AA Guide (Please Sticky if Still Useful)

    10. 19. 2011 15:48

Originally Posted by holyBlaze

what USN AA gunes have good range? They seem to have low range compared to IJN/MN/KMS AA guns so if a cv tries to db you you won't have much time to shoot down the planes

In a way. The golden angle region is a bit smaller, but more range also mean an harder time shooting the planes close range, if they sneaked.

Its different, but they have the reload/damage combination to effectively take down squads of fighter an bombers that comes too close.

They are far less effective in BB rooms, as their limited range is their downfall against scouts that can easily provide good visual on the USN ship and staying quite far from the AA range.

I personnaly chose to do without for my USN. I kept a pair at level 75-80 so I can put it on if I wish too, but I nearly never do, and I run my nebby with an extra scout and rep (altough the scout was mainly a filler, its useful) that I find are more handy than the AA.

Sometimes I do wish I could put on some HH lately tough.