HA Infomation



  • Best Season Players

    09. 28. 2011 04:11

Recommend : 0

Hi There,

My idea is pretty simple, we create 12 seasons every season is 1 month, inside this season we put the best season players.
The best 3 season players, could win something and this resets every month. " Kind of best players of the month"



  • Re : Best Season Players

    09. 28. 2011 10:18

Why not just call it player of the month?

  • Re : Best Season Players

    09. 28. 2011 10:44

Originally Posted by Invinciblor

Why not just call it player of the month?

I like that.

  • Re : Best Season Players

    09. 28. 2011 12:14

What would be the criteria to decide who is the "best" player?

  • Re : Best Season Players

    09. 28. 2011 12:30

Originally Posted by rocketeer1

What would be the criteria to decide who is the "best" player?

That's the million-dollar question.

You'd need to only consider those in the top 70% or so of games played that month.

Ideally, you'd combine percentile ranks in a variety of stats, using unpublished weights to prevent people from gaming the system.

Getting specific though, you'd need separate criteria for each ship class. For example, a sub's primary stats would be total tonnage sunk for the month, and tonnage per battle. Battleships would be more accurately judged based on damage dealt/received (as a +/- rating), win/loss ratio, and accuracy for the month. CVs would be trickier, because planes lost vs. planes shot down would only determine prowess as a FW, and tonnage sunk stats would only be relevant for BWs, so they'd need to be weighted and combined in such a way that it's not automatically easier to win as either a FW or BW...

Or you could just have categories regardless of ship class, e.g. tonnage leader, W/L leader, accuracy leader, shoot-downs leader, damage +/- leader...

All this assumes those stats are available. Most of them are not. Do I think it's a good use of designer and developer time to a stat tracking system running so we can have leader boards and players of the month? No, not until the basics are working well.