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  • RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 07:25


"RPG style sailors- Over 75 different sailor positions are available to help take command of your vessel in the manner that best suits you."  

I find this a tad missleading.


  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 07:31

How? It makes sense to me.

RPG Style... they level up from lvl1, they have different job routs to go, they gain experience and increase their abilities.

Don't know where it's misleading.

  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 07:34

I can see your point here Fallenstar

But i do have to agree with nyerkovic on this one,

  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 07:35

It's no more misleading than any of the other information for this or any other game. I mean, looking at the website you'd think it was beautifully rendered 3D.

  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 07:41

It is a bit misleading because you have minimal control over them beyond rolling their stats and classing (especially compared to some more complicated RPGs).

It still leaves some room for unorthodox builds like repairer scouts and things like that so this statement is mostly true especially since it says "RPG STYLE" meaning the leveling and classing is RPGesque... not hardcore RPG.

  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 07:47

That's what I'm saying. Its along the "100% pure beef" pitch. Sure its beef.. but which part of the animal did that beef come from..?

Its a stretch is all I'm saying.


  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 07:49

But it's not a very far stretch.

Only Hardcore RPGs let you manage your own stats for a character. Many RPGs however, manage the stats based on job description, and that is what happens here.

  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 08:12

Originally Posted by nyerkovic

But it's not a very far stretch.

Only Hardcore RPGs let you manage your own stats for a character. Many RPGs however, manage the stats based on job description, and that is what happens here.

"to help take command of your vessel in the manner that best suits you."

There are many sticky'd threads that contain evidence that building a crew based on simply " the manner that best suits you" is a quick way to find yourself ineffective if not obsolete in game. Kind of like the customization of guns, sure there are hundred of different guns to choose from, but see how much fun 5'1's on a BB4 can be.

  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 08:17

You can still do it, and can still customize your sailor setup.

Other RPG games also have their own "most useful" or "correct" ways to level your character, with many guides on how to build it and the benefits of doing it that way... still people can choose to give them more of one ability than the other. It happens in the most hardcore RPG games also.

It doesn't change the fact that it is still RPG Style.

I've seen many people running 2 scout pilots on their BB6... does that mean they are wrong?, according to some guides yes... but its the way it most suits them.

  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 08:38

Originally Posted by nyerkovic

You can still do it, and can still customize your sailor setup.

Other RPG games also have their own "most useful" or "correct" ways to level your character, with many guides on how to build it and the benefits of doing it that way... still people can choose to give them more of one ability than the other. It happens in the most hardcore RPG games also.

It doesn't change the fact that it is still RPG Style.

I've seen many people running 2 scout pilots on their BB6... does that mean they are wrong?, according to some guides yes... but its the way it most suits them.

I'm not debating that it isnt "rpg style". I just think, having leveled many crews, that statement doesn't paint a full picture. Its advertizing after all.

  • Re : RPG style sailors?

    09. 30. 2011 08:54



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