HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 07:32

I just started my account on Saturday and played solidly through the weekend.  
As of this morning, I still get 'no list' as a result when I try to see myself in the rankings list.


  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 07:42

Rankings are updated weekly (wednesday night server time) and only the top 10 000 accounts are shown

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 07:45

Thank you.

I'm still trying to figure out what level I am. Am I correct in assuming that my level is the same as my operator for the purposes of ship purchases?

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 07:50

The ranking system is basted on youre kills,win rate and bo lvl.
But since you are new you wont be showed there for a long while if you dont lvl up fast with many kills.

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 07:54

Thanks folks. I appreciate the rapid response.

I'm definitely enjoying the game, so far.

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 08:10

when you do try to look for your name in the future on the ranking list, remember to click on the server option and choose the server you are currently playing on ( either Nebreska or Kaiser).

welcome btw :))

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 14:00

Originally Posted by Vinius

I'm still trying to figure out what level I am. Am I correct in assuming that my level is the same as my operator for the purposes of ship purchases?

You are correct assuming this.
Your highest level operator will indicate the general level of your account.

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 14:13

the ranking system is somewhat rigged and takes into effect or experts/vets.

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 14:19

Originally Posted by soccermaniac

the ranking system is somewhat rigged and takes into effect or experts/vets.


Pump in cash for a quick climb in the ranking.

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 14:33

Thanks again everyone. Much appreciated.

I did upgrade to a premium account for the increased XP. Unless I'm in a rush (which I'm not), is there a reason that I should consider purchasing the sailor upgrades?

  • Re : When should I be able to see myself on the rankings list?

    10. 03. 2011 14:37

if anything you should consider getting premium sailor(boost) for your supports as it helps your ship through out the entire game. Also make sure your sailors have good base(at least 11 or 12 at their expertise) before boosting them

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