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  • Boosting sailors at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:12


I am thinking about making my salors premium. But they are already lvl 55
So when you make them premium you get a beter base on them? But if I make them premium now I wont get the extra points from earlier lvls.
Is this correct?  Or how does it work?  Btw it's a sub crew should I boost them all??


*Edited words so people can help you better - Ny* 


  • Re : Making sailors elite at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:24

There is NO making buy elites from out of the NF Store and then level, boost, expert them accordingly.

  • Re : Making sailors elite at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:27

If they're not elite's to begin with,you can't 'make' them elites,you can BOOST them,but you can't turn non-elites into elites.

When you boost them,their ability and their grow rate for ability get a 20% Boost,but your Torpedoman with 12+ Torp Base doesn't become a Torpedoman with 15+ Torp Base,your just getting a 20% Boost.

And if you do have the money to boost them all,by all means,go for it.

I Tried to explain it,hopefully this helps.

  • Re : Making sailors elite at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:32

Tnx For the reply's

Ow I ment boosting them ;)

But I don't understand it. 20% more? So when I got for example a torpman with 100 skill, will he get 120 skill after the boost? And will he get more skill each level compered to a non boosted sailor?


  • Re : Making sailors elite at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:34

As previously said, you can only buy "elites" at either lvl 1 or lvl 12 from the nf store using olives. If you are refering to "boosted" sailors then I would reccomend to boost as early as possible, as it means your sailor has more ability whilst your at lower lvls, which always comes in handy.

  • Re : Making sailors elite at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:37

Originally Posted by coldsteel9

Tnx For the reply's

Ow I ment boosting them ;)

But I don't understand it. 20% more? So when I got for example a torpman with 100 skill, will he get 120 skill after the boost? And will he get more skill each level compered to a non boosted sailor?


Yes he will get more skill per level than a non-boosted,since the ability growth rate gets the 20% Boost also.

  • Re : Boosting sailors at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:41

When Boosting sailors, they will get 20% more ability always.

That being said, it doesn't matter when you boost them because it's not lineal, it would be "Ability + 20%" at every level.

A sailor at lvl1 receives the same boost as lvl120 ones. Simple math tells you the boost at higher levels will be higher since the 20% of something big is more than 20% of something small. But you don't loose anything by boosting at lvl1, 50 or 120.

At lvl120, a sailor that was boosted at lvl50 would be the same as a sailor boosted at lvl1.

What you gain by boosting sooner, is that the sailors ability will be better than a regular low lvl sailor. As cena200 just said, this comes in handy at that stage of the game.

  • Re : Boosting sailors at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:42

Originally Posted by SiriusA

Originally Posted by coldsteel9

Tnx For the reply's

Ow I ment boosting them ;)

But I don't understand it. 20% more? So when I got for example a torpman with 100 skill, will he get 120 skill after the boost? And will he get more skill each level compered to a non boosted sailor?


Yes he will get more skill per level than a non-boosted,since the ability growth rate gets the 20% Boost also.

And the skills that the sailor already has, they get boosted by 20% ? like the example (from 100 skills to 120?)

  • Re : Boosting sailors at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:45

Originally Posted by coldsteel9

Originally Posted by SiriusA

Originally Posted by coldsteel9

Tnx For the reply's

Ow I ment boosting them ;)

But I don't understand it. 20% more? So when I got for example a torpman with 100 skill, will he get 120 skill after the boost? And will he get more skill each level compered to a non boosted sailor?


Yes he will get more skill per level than a non-boosted,since the ability growth rate gets the 20% Boost also.

And the skills that the sailor already has, they get boosted by 20% ? like the example (from 100 skills to 120?)

  • Re : Boosting sailors at higher lvl.

    10. 20. 2011 14:52

Tnx for all guys!