HA Infomation



  • switching between ships in harbor faster

    11. 06. 2011 12:45

Recommend : 2

Maybe find someway to go from ship 1 to ship 8 in harbor a little faster
I mean it is nice too look at your ships and all but..
when you are trying to get into a game and you forget something on ship 1 but you are using ship 8 you tend to be a bit late.


  • Re : switching between ships in harbor faster

    11. 06. 2011 13:02

Page up/down does the job if you have your top 5ish lined up.

If you mean you can switch the positions of the ships, you can do that using your hq.

If you mean make things faster than that, it would be nice too, but the current system works.

  • Re : switching between ships in harbor faster

    11. 06. 2011 13:19

yeah current works just i forget stuff here and not there and i didnt know about page up and down ill use that then

just get tired of clicking and watching all my ships have to go by :D

then being like which game guys and they go
o its already started...

  • Re : switching between ships in harbor faster

    11. 06. 2011 15:49

you can change the order of the ships in the shipyard by depositing you ships in your HQ and withdrawing them in the order you want them (log out and log in to see the final result).

When ships are placed in the shipyard, be it bought from stock, received from the item menu, or withdrawn from the HQ, they hold a dock number and stay there no matter what you do to the ships around them.

for example you had a DD in spot 1, then bought a CL in spot 2.
If you sell or deposit the DD and buy a CA, the CA will appear in spot 1 and you can withdraw the DD in spot 3. (hint: you should choose careful placement of your premium and event ships since you won't be able to move them without buy a new one.)

I personally put my main ships in front, then some support ships like SS, CV, AA, then the rejects in the back like PCL. It was especially useful when server merge, I think, when they sold everyone's Prem ships. I then bought a bunch of DDs to push the prem ships to the back and sold said DDs. Now when I buy new ships they appear between the favorites and the rejects.

  • Re : switching between ships in harbor faster

    11. 10. 2011 19:06

I feel his pain, all my event and premium ships are clogged in the middle of the pack. I have to scroll up and down just to change ships because my mostly used ships are in the first and last of the order.


  • Re : switching between ships in harbor faster

    11. 11. 2011 23:23

What I'd like is a method to move prem ships around. The middle of my KM Shipyard is cluttered with all sorts of Prem ships and their just kind of stuck there.