HA Infomation

Royal Navy


  • UK gunner classing

    06. 30. 2011 21:57


Just want to ask on how should i class my UK gunners. should i class them on time or hold on to gunner class?


  • Re : UK gunner classing

    06. 30. 2011 23:38

Actually, it depends on what you are going to make out of them.

Class on time for the main gunners and torpedoes. Class late for the AA gunners, the pompoms.

Hope this helped.

  • Re : UK gunner classing

    07. 01. 2011 04:45

im planning to make them my main gunner. I read something that if i class them on time they wont reach the reload cap.

  • Re : UK gunner classing

    07. 01. 2011 05:05

Class them on time.

I classed elite acc to reload, and at lvl 107 they have excellent reload and decent accuracy

  • Re : UK gunner classing

    07. 01. 2011 06:31

I recommend you use elite ACC or 12acc/10rld gunner and class to reload gunner. you could delay several lvl when class to reload gunner so that you could reach acc cap sooner. You could also class on time.

  • Re : UK gunner classing

    07. 01. 2011 06:46

Thank you for answering my questions. I think ill go for the ACC one.
I read in the navyfield manual that Accuracy affects the chance to hit a critical.

Thank you once again! it all helped! :D

  • Re : UK gunner classing

    07. 01. 2011 18:16

pare, its much better if you get a 12/11 or 12/10 and class them to reload...
yes acc gets crit but you will be receive 2 or 3 salvos before you firing back...

class them on time...

  • Re : UK gunner classing

    07. 01. 2011 22:48

What level will ACC gunners reach their reload cap? I have 11/11 gunners will they reach the cap?

  • Re : UK gunner classing

    07. 02. 2011 03:12

The accuracy cap increases with levels. The actual numbers are discussed in one of the threads in the old forums, but if I'm correct, it is 1 million + 5467xLevel. For example, you would need 1.55 million ability points on your level 100 gunner to reach the accuracy cap. For more on this, you can read the ability guide in tips and tactics section (adalbert's guides in the old forums).

  • Re : UK gunner classing

    07. 02. 2011 22:47

Yes, the cap goes up every level, but it goes up by much less than the real ability growth provided by the difference in stats. Once your gunners reach the cap, they will always be capped every time they level afterwards, assuming 'normal' treatment (full 'fatness', proper vetting/experting, etc).

As for the ACC vs RLD decision, go reload.


I can't be bothered to look for it, but the old forums had a post which included a very good table with lots of numbers that ultimately showed how it is more advantageous in the long run to class RLD for your mains, assuming you have decent base stats. The accuracy cap is much, much easier to reach than the reload cap is. UK ACC gunners will cap their accuracy right around the time you get out of blitz and the huge amount of +acc they get is basically wasted after that, and all the while you'll be dealing with very long reloads until you're well into the L2.

On the other hand, classing reload means you hit BOTH caps in the early to mid 80s, right when you're getting into your PoW or Nelson. Your accuracy suffers a bit during the BB1-2 levels, but to be honest, your spread at that stage is going to be pretty lousy no matter what, and you might be better off with the shorter reload time. By the time you reach L1, your gunners will be just as accurate as if you made them ACC, but your reload will be very noticeably superior.

If you're willing to sacrifice the possibility of blockshotting 6" and 8" guns in Blitz, and you're willing to put up with slightly worse spread until your BB3, then it's no contest... go RLD.
