HA Infomation



  • Help new Players start off

    02. 06. 2012 12:37

Recommend : 1

Copied from my reply to The New Comunity Mananger Thread
Also, substats (Like the 11 substats for engineers and Repairs) can be changed to 10 instead of 11 if playbase would be more for it with those stats instead of 11/11/12s would be 10/10/12. No I mean the extra stats for sailors, not just sub crew's sailors so don't freak out misreading this. Bold this just in case.

2.) Changes to New Player System. When a new account is setup, first thing to pop up when they first enter the neutral harbor: A window allowing them to pick 1 of 3 base crews these will allow new players to effectively start.

A CV Crew
A BB Crew
A SS Crew

These crews would be crews of 18 for BB, 14 for CV and 11 for SS

4x Pots (Stats Pot 14, rest 10) (1 named BO, rest named Potential
6x Fighters (All non-Plane stats=9, 10 Aircraft, 12 Fighter, 10 Bomber)
4x Bombers (All non-Plane stats=9, 10 Aircraft, 10 Fighter, 12 Bomber)

2x Pots (Stats Pot 14, rest 10)(Both named Bridge Operator)
2x Gunners (Stats 12 acc, 11 rld, rest 9)
2x AA Gunners (Stats 11 Acc 12 rld, 11 AAW (In-case of future AAW attempt to be fixed) Rest 9)
5x Repair (12 Repair stat, 11 restore, Rest 9)
5x Engineer (11 Repair, 11 Restore, 12 Engineer)
1x Scout (All non-Plane stats=9, 12 Aircraft, 10 Fighter/Bomber)

1x BO (Stats Pot 14, rest 10)(Named Bridge Operator)
2x Pot (Stats Pot 15, rep and Restore 10, rest 9)
3x Engineer (11 Rep, 11 Restore, 12 Engine, rest 9)
3x Repair (12 Rep, 11 Restore, rest 9)
2x Pilots (all plane stats 11, rest 9)

These changes would be to improve new player experience to hopefully make them try the game longer and hopefully in the end stick with us for while ;)

The basic idea is to remove some of the blocks that fustrate new players that causes them to leave the game early. Removing some of these blocks (Mostly correct setup of crews) All of these crews are setup so you have multiple realistic setup options for each option. You get more than a full 6 crew for the ship type. Plus to get sailors that allow you to mess around a bit, like AA gunners and decent numbers of fighters and bombers and a mix of reps and engineers for BBs and Subs.

These sailors would be Yellow til level 75, then automaticly convert to white. This will allow players to sell off extra sailors to fund future ships only after they've played long enough to find the setup they want to run.

The Premium Starter Sets would change to the same number of each type of sailor, but all the sailors would be elites instead of the stats above to remain a competitive option.

This of course would not effect any current players, and current yellow sailors can stay yellow. The normal Roll function would still exist, aswell to new players.


  • Re : Help new Players start off

    02. 07. 2012 18:54

This needs to be added. Recc

  • Re : Help new Players start off

    02. 08. 2012 01:29

i agree that something to this effect should be added. but the main base should be 11 not 12 (what it is already) and also the problem with this is that half of the crew will never be used. your said BB crew has 17 (not 18) saliors in it.. no new player would use them all. they would get to CA or BB1 and just buy cheap saliors of trade rather then level from zip.

make it so that you can sell once you hit 75 and you will see a mass sale of +12 cv crews within the week.

something to help new players should be added but not this. this would kill the game even more.

  • Re : Help new Players start off

    02. 08. 2012 09:59

Good idea though the numbers need some tweaking.

11/11/12 supports are actually quite (very) difficult to roll. If I could have these 5x instead of the crew I got, id be tempted to make new accounts each time i start a new nation. 11/11/11 is barely rarer than what one can roll in one sitting so that might be appropriate (their names should be their job so not to confuse new players). 10/10/11 would be too easy to roll. triple 11 would give the option of running 4/6 engineers as well.

12/11 or 11/12 gunners are also quite difficult to roll, especially pairs. I suggest 11/11 or 10/12 as those would be more common yet still very decent.

6x +12 ftrs are fairly easy to roll so those are fine and would help new players who would otherwise use 10/10 or something.

The last thing is the ss crew. The pilots would confuse new players (especially non UK/IJN/MN players) and the ss5 that can use them would only need to level pilots to 25 or 33 which can easily be done mid level. They would also need torpedomen (kinda important). And possibly gunners to help them through the early levels or for AAing.
