HA Infomation

Marine Nationale


  • Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 01. 2011 17:03

I was looking at the ship tree and saw that the pluton`s R mounts only had 58(!) space when most DD2s even have atleast  60 space on their R mounts and i was wondering how do you play on this ship as a CL?


  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 01. 2011 17:35

To be quite honest, you don't. I played as a DD until I got to the first ship of the branch I wanted.

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 01. 2011 17:41

Yeah I really didn't play the Pluton much. I just stuck with the DD and then got the next CL in line.

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 01. 2011 20:11

pluton is playable when your gunners at 49, you will have access to 3.9" dual, low damage but with a cl range and fast reload speed, i enjoy pawning dds and cl with it

oh with numbers of plutons rushing in gb2, it can be a havoc

this video was from nfeu though

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 04. 2011 08:49

AA/ASW role.

lvl 20 AA guns on r slots (GA 25), and HH on t slots. Otherwise, I just went back to Mogador and leveled to the next ship.

Pluton could use a buff or two.

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 04. 2011 20:08

If Pluton got an extra 20 space per mount it`d actually be pretty playable...

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 04. 2011 21:07

If you dropped the first word from the question in the subject, you have a much easier question to answer.

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 06. 2011 19:49

Pluton is getting buffed in the MN/SN patch.

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 06. 2011 20:25

aw.... I already grinded to the Jeanne D`Arc, shoulda just waited for patch and leveled my other 3 crews more...

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 06. 2011 22:36

JDArc is also getting a buff :)

In fact, most of the MN DD-CAs are getting buffed.

  • Re : Pluton: How is it playable?

    07. 17. 2011 23:41

cant wait to put on those quad cannons

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