HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • What weapons to fit on a Kuma?

    04. 16. 2012 03:50


What a Kitakami is used for is pretty obvious.

Kuma and Kuma Kai can also carry a few torps, but what to use the R slots for?

Shimakaze seems to be able to carry much superior guns.

Should one armor the Kuma and lose much needed speed?

AAW and ASW are just not all that critical in BK mode.


  • Re : What weapons to fit on a Kuma?

    04. 16. 2012 04:05


Slap some (P)HH on it. They deal good damage to everythings besides planes.

Other than that... the entire line till Kita is literally made out of torp boats and that's the best way to use them.

  • Re : What weapons to fit on a Kuma?

    04. 16. 2012 09:50


I agree with Sonlirain but you should do TW or what he said. When you get to Kita if you have AA and crew need to add some experts to do AAW. You get more exp but this is only for hih lvl crew.

  • Re : What weapons to fit on a Kuma?

    04. 16. 2012 17:20


Leave it open for speed.