HA Infomation

Soviet Navy


  • what is golden angle of triple 6?

    07. 05. 2011 01:43

yea wut?


  • Re : what is golden angle of triple 6?

    07. 05. 2011 04:21

Think it was 30-31 (maybe 29) don't remember.

  • Re : what is golden angle of triple 6?

    07. 05. 2011 05:04

30 worked good with me

  • Re : what is golden angle of triple 6?

    07. 05. 2011 05:17

allright thank's for the replies it worked great :)

  • Re : what is golden angle of triple 6?

    07. 05. 2011 13:26

well there are two sets of tripple 6" SN AA capable guns:
34 lvl / 6" B-38 MK-9 Pattern 1938 / reload 4.16 / muzzle speed 850 / AA shell dmg 102 / Golden Angle 30;
25 lvl / 6"/57 Pattern 1938 ............. / reload 3.12 / muzzle speed 688 / AA shell dmg 109 / Golden Angle 34.

the 25 lvl set somehow can only be fitted on to PCA, but the muzzle speed and not that great GA ( for slow reload ) makes it's usefullness questionable.

So only good, AA capable, SN guns are dual 5" SD-2s with GA 30.

  • Re : what is golden angle of triple 6?

    07. 05. 2011 18:18

I thought the GA of the 2x 5" SD-2s was 32

  • Re : what is golden angle of triple 6?

    07. 14. 2011 04:27

I really find the minizinis are great for AA and with the fast reload ..... make good guns for HE abainst the small ships that come in close for elevation 12 or less. Golden for minizinis in AA is 34 and are level 30 duels.

  • Re : what is golden angle of triple 6?

    07. 14. 2011 09:24

well, try doing this with miniznis then:

SD-2s were used here a.k.a. the only good/balanced SN AA capable guns.