HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 16:59

are you guys happy in ALSACE with  Quad guns loaded only with 4 binds of shells?when it is annoying when youre about 
fire and no more shells left before battle ends or sometimes at the middle of battle... :(


  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 17:08

make em count

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 17:19

fire on gradual, or even Z and C gun management, dont do stupid moves like waste full salvo on crippled ship...

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 17:21

Buff is Imminent

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 17:29

happy triggers hate alsace
its a monster ship

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 17:56

A few 400k games, scores of 300k games, hundreds of 200k games . . . leveling monster.

Oh, and always carry AP.

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 18:06

i dont think the alsase needs to be changed at all. i was a bit pissed at the 4 binds to start with but got used to it and i rate it as the best bb5 for GB 1 and 2 situations. the ship is a weapon

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 18:32

Originally Posted by Falcon91
Originally Posted by AUST_DEVINE
i dont think the alsase needs to be changed at all. i was a bit pissed at the 4 binds to start with but got used to it and i rate it as the best bb5 for GB 1 and 2 situations. the ship is a weapon

Let me ask...have you driven the monty? It's overloaded on ammo and the only other bb5 that can 1 shot to my knowledge.

He got a nebby...

And monty doesnt have 42 knot, more than half the firepower on the bow, and lower 40 angle with that firepower.

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 18:45

Learn to aim? 4 binds should get you 300K+, if not more. =.=

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 18:58

The Alsace is awesome.

It is a monster once your crew gets to 110+ with deadly AA, stupid speed, and enough damage to lay waste to entire rooms.

And, it is getting a buff...

  • Re : ALSACE dissapointment.

    07. 05. 2011 19:03

I have played only two battles in Alsace and both were over 200k... and I am a mediocre player at best. But then again, I am a very frugal shooter. I have almost never --really almost never-- ran out of shells in any ship and the Alsace was not a exception.

Someone said above "make them count". I agree. Alsace is far better than H44 (the only other BB5 I own).

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