HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • MN TBers?

    07. 17. 2011 17:46

Are MN TBers overpowered? I know MN bombers are supposed to be powerful but this is ridiculous. I got sunk by 4 torps from MN TBers. Saw the same thing happen to a H44 in the same game and apparently an H39 got sunk by ONE torp (although I didnt see this one). Just wondering whether this is normal?


  • Re : MN TBers?

    07. 18. 2011 05:34

Originally Posted by Sonlirain
I guess the TBers were helluva stacked on top of each other and you werent hit by 4 but 14.
Earlier this day game a MN CV5 sunk a unscratched Kaiser in one go.
The kaiser in question was hit by 22 TBs and most likely forgot about things like Bulge and Belt.

The one in question must have very nimble fingers, it's much harder to perform a colossal TB run than a DB run with the manual DB system.

Note that a perfect TB block must consist of less than 3 TBs per pilot or they'll leave a split trail no matter how well you group them (below). Someone must have 8 TB pilots on that CV5 if that's what I'm getting.

With that said, this goes for everyone. As a general principle, please never BW with a CV4 and above without fighters or this just might happen to you alternatively other than being fighter camped. =/

For those who haven't seen a 24 TB wave specially for the Daladier in action, here it is. It's not as easy as it looks... Also note that the TB wave was not at a center hit after impact therefore no kill. TBing as you can see is very unforigving as too much can wrong even at a split second especially with almost everyone carrying sufficient belt/bulge and if you didn't succeed, you were royally screwed. >.>

  • Re : MN TBers?

    07. 18. 2011 11:57

Not used MN TB's yet, only DB's...
actually, not used TB's since i got my UK Midway

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