HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Shinano EBB

    10. 03. 2013 16:37


Well I got the Shinano EBB yesterday and concluded that it is awesome! :) The speed for me is 39 knots (the cap I believe). The guns are excellent with the same range as SY. I use the duals because they block every shot.... again awesome! anyway I just wanted to open the discussion about this great ship :)


  • Re : Shinano EBB

    11. 05. 2013 09:50


Originally Posted by Gedis

I got it just after it was released (i was saving those 100 medals for musashi or shinano).
It's a sniping boat, both AA vise and both main guns.
And that's what it makes harder, to aim and land these shells, but if mastered it's a rewarding ship.
The range is the same as SY, both of tripples and duals. But main guns should be those duals. Since 110lvl dual gun clones have really nice damage and faster reload.

yea I tested the reload.. the duals are almost 2 seconds faster. and yea the duals are much better.. I oneshotted an alsace with the shinano (using duals and gradual fire) 51k salvo.. it gives you an idea of what it can do lol

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