HA Infomation



  • My name is JohnCheker, and this is…

    12. 02. 2013 00:34


my personal list of websites you need to follow :

The nfna.wordpress is not only an informative or indicative abstract blog. The nfna.wordpress should be understood as an interpretative analysis and , therefore , will depend on its ability to relate the elements of Navyfield with texts , authors, and ideas about the game in question , contextualizing the game.

nfna.wordpress is a thorough blog that contains many number of facts : the community is the presentation and content of the game Navyfield . Consists of reading , summary, and critical in the formulation of a concept of value of Navyfield and what was made ??by its creators .

The nfna.wordpress prepare a review and attempts to summarize the subject , pointing out deficiencies and / or points that , under his view, could be better worked out (remember that these points may be outside the scope of Navyfield and / or SDE ) without going into much detail and at the same time, highlight the strengths with and without weighting fawn. As a summary , the nfna.wordpress goes straight to the point , mixing moments of pure description with moments of direct criticism .

In short , I highlight the following virtues of this blog :

a) coherence and argumentation with the community .

b ) validity of the arguments used on the gameplay Navyfield .

c ) the originality of the treatment of gameplay issues in Navyfield .

d ) depth analysis of community issues .

e) reach their conclusions and consequences with the Staff and Administrators in Navyfield .

f ) assessment and public judgment of the whole community of the ideas advocated in this blog .

visit, i recommend, you will loose alot of your time...NOT!
Thanks to all


  • Re : My name is JohnCheker, and this is…

    01. 12. 2014 10:48


This is nothing more than a noob ranting site. Seen the operator of this venue AB'ing in game. So, I have no respect and no confidence in his adolescent views of the world

  • Re : My name is JohnCheker, and this is…

    01. 12. 2014 12:28


Originally Posted by GrimReaper99

This is nothing more than a noob ranting site. Seen the operator of this venue AB'ing in game. So, I have no respect and no confidence in his adolescent views of the world

Delusional much? Because talking about how to function as a team is AB'ing?

  • Re : My name is JohnCheker, and this is…

    01. 14. 2014 13:23


It's a game and you people who own that site and use it talk about it like it's some kind of safe haven for the anarchists who want to overthrow TNF because clearly they are all evil and biased and rule with iron-fists. Get over your selves you aren't starting a revolution you're just putting your biased opinions for the sheep herd to eat up on a hastily put together website.

  • Re : My name is JohnCheker, and this is…

    02. 15. 2014 23:45


last weeks... we have.... :


  • Re : My name is JohnCheker, and this is…

    02. 17. 2014 09:23


Originally Posted by ChicagoBears

It's a game and you people who own that site and use it talk about it like it's some kind of safe haven for the anarchists who want to overthrow TNF because clearly they are all evil and biased and rule with iron-fists. Get over your selves you aren't starting a revolution you're just putting your biased opinions for the sheep herd to eat up on a hastily put together website.

tho I agree with you on most of your statement, but there has been a few good blogs written on there, besides all the KT and AA bashing that I believe has run its course and ppl need to move on from it because no one really cares about it

I do think the blog has potential to be something more then what it is, and encourages talk that cant be censored and deleted and possible real solutions to issues we cant seem to get solved here

  • Re : My name is JohnCheker, and this is…

    02. 17. 2014 12:56

Originally Posted by chinavictor

What a pity, was blocked in Chinese Mainland :(

So proud. We're in the big leagues now, boys.

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