HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • ¿Por qué han borrado mensajes?

    10. 16. 2011 04:52

Expliquen señores de SD por qué han borrado los mensajes de miembros de ARA, donde se exponía que
no quisimos tomar el puerto de Hamburgo de forma deshonesta, debido al bug que tienen en el juego.


Explain why SD lords have deleted the messages from members of ARA, which set out that
did not want to take the port of Hamburg in a dishonest way, due to bug they have inthe game.



  • Re : ¿Por qué han borrado mensajes?

    10. 18. 2011 07:15

Originally Posted by Winterx

On a side note: The state of this forum is not really the best anymore (has it ever? - rhetoric), considering this thread has not yet been binned or at least answered and locked. Well, some things never change - at least not for the better. GL

You have a good point, I missed the lock after I answered the OP's question. It's been a tough week so far.

As I wrote before, if anyone has any questions about this or wants to discuss it, please send me a PM and I will gladly talk about it.

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