HA Infomation



  • Language Filter

    11. 14. 2011 13:32

Recommend : 0

Please make "go" a word the the filter blocks out. Too many rooms getting ruined by "go" tards.


  • Re : Language Filter

    11. 14. 2011 22:55

Originally Posted by aingeal

what out a sub is &%$/?ing for you

I'll ?*&$?& north

OK, lets &*??%?

Ya this sounds so promising.


  • Re : Language Filter

    11. 15. 2011 03:30

Originally Posted by phillipM

idoit is blocked ....

And so it should be. What about "idiot"? :P

I once got banned in CoD4 for saying "jeweler"....

I've learnt that NF prefers the phonetic version of grammarness "an essess" rather than "u essess"... butt that seems a bit arse-backwards to me.

  • Re : Language Filter

    11. 15. 2011 13:51

Originally Posted by joshmon999

Banning "go" would be nice, but like Aingeal said, "go" is a fairly necessary word, maybe they could ban it in only waiting room? lol. ( Since spamming "go" is technically harassment, I ban go-tards at first peep. Also host checkers. They are viloating eula, and thus, do not require a warning. If they re-enter, I let them stay if they shut up. But any more lip and away they go ^^ You do NOT have to put up with these people, or play with them. )

Nah, if they add words to the filter, "noob" would be a good candidate, since it isnt necessary in ANY sense. Also the word "fail", not really necessary either. I am not actually sure why they arent already, actually, since neither word has any use except for insult, and some other really dumb words are already in the filter.

Geez, if they banned "noob" and "fail", a lot of guys wouldnt be able to complete a sentence, and I am not 100% sure, but it seems like a lot of non english speakers would be robbed of the only 2 english words they know, lol. And trolls aside, im pretty sure most ppl wouldnt miss them.

As i see you ban them i did to but Vick11 did ask me to stop or he should ban me (so surprising that he should do that derp btw i normally dont give a rat ass what TNF say but just for being a nice litle boy) and he said we cant ban them but we can screen them and they while get a ban he did promise me if i did report anyone some did do that they would suspend thos players.
Lol English isnt my mother language but still i know alot more words then "noob" and "fail" if you use like swear words some i see them in you cant built up sentence correct and should work harder on that to get better on English if you now want that, you gonna need it in the future really.

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