HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • The Cv rant thread.

    06. 25. 2011 06:12

Seriously the bs needs to stop with bb's complaining about no sight when they wont even bother to fire at the lvl 100+ moltkes making it near impossible to scout.

AA needs nerfed or a lvl cap because it's getting ridicolus... cv players will not respond to " you stupid cvs give sight when you wont meet them in the middle....


  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 11:02

First off,the name calling should stop completly.
This is a game for fun. losses happen,name calling is counter productive. Second, sometimes as cv's we get owned by a better player or better planes and pilots,just as bb's get beat by better ships and players. Let's work together for 10-20 mins at a time and have fun.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 19:56

Both CVs and BBs fail quite regularly, and often quite spectacularly. I suspect that BBs are more likely to be vocal about problems because they die first and therefore have more free time on their hands. However, a few on both sides (CV and BB) have been known to whine and whine about the other failing even when they clearly did so themselves. Consider how often:

1) ALL BB4-5 go north or south.
2) ALL CV go south (or, while rare, north).
3) Most BBs fail to even attempt to put up a scout (regionally or in totality).
4) CVs fail to even respond to urgent requests for support.
5) Multiple BBs remain afk a minute into the battle.
6) CVs actively engage enemy FP camped over friendly BBs, while the team is blind.

All of these require multiple players to fail, and tend to cost games. They also tend to leave individual players abandoned, and understandably upset. As such, I usually call them out when I see them. You will note, however, that I'm an equal opportunity criticizer. I have extensive experience in both BBs and CVs, so I know how the others feel. I also recognize areas of common breakdowns, so I'll call for FC when needed (as if that ever helped), and also call out as a CV when I can't help much due to AAWs and/or superior enemy fighters, even if not asked.

But I see a lot of poor playing even aside from that, often from the ones who whine or feel slighted by the complaints of others. All of it is still common sense, if not as extreme as the above examples, but how many of you:

1) keep your bombers over an otherwise unscouted BB after dropping, so the friendly BBs can shoot it?
2) go north to actually provide FC rather than just borderhump bombers?
3) Launch a scout when the camped fighters are gone, even if not immediately needed?
4) Actively move your scout and change altitude to avoid AA/fighters?
5) Call out enemy subs/bombers, preferrably with coordinates rather than vague "here" or "north/south/middle?"
6) Actively engage any AAW that gives you a shot?
7) Position your fighters to be able to intercept incoming bomber spam?
8) Actually respond to requests for help, at least with a message saying you can't?

Most of those are simple, many of them are things that VERY few players actually do, and all of those are things that a solid player would be expected to at least attempt. NF, by its nature includes large numbers of both team players and lone wolves, and team players do want a team to back them up. They may feel upset when abandoned from the get-go, and not without reason. The one thing to remember is that a lot of the complaints have at least some degree of validity, and while they can be annoying, they also might just be pointing out something you need to improve on, be you a BB, CV, SS, or even DD.

On a side note, these forums fail miserably: The stupid site logged me out while typing the reply. That's more inexcusable than anything listed above :P

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 22:39

I play both Cv and BB.. I HATE the CV's that only want to send Bombers.. that total crap.... A bb with vision can do way more damage in the time frame that it take s to load bombers/send bomber / bomb a BB they cant see unless the BB has a scout out there for the CV to find it target.
When i Play my CV i try to keep planes just in fornt of the enemy line to give vision to my MY Line and hopwfully draw out any aa Ships.
If i do run bombers it is generaly towards the end of the battle when my Ftrs are no longer needed.. OR i send a wave of ftrs infront of bombes . usally they will 1. engage enemy planes and let my bombers throw 2 give me vision to see what i am bombing...

What i think is the problem is,
Way better XP for BW cv's Vs XP for FW Cv's

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 23:27

Originally Posted by ConnectFour
heh, and here i thought CV's had a SUPPORT role

look, if your BB are blind, they are out of the fight

*1AA ships struggle shooting down planes directly above them, keep your fighters over an AA ship and if he moves, move your fighters
*2AA ships find it hard shooting planes at sea level, the further away the harder it is but always move them about
*3Change altitude and positions frequently
*4keeping your fighters in front of enemy BB line yet out of AA range, this can bait AA ships into BB range
*5keep track of your fighters and avoid engaging fighters over your lines
*6keep in mind you may have AA ships on your team, leave enemy planes to them, engaging them is inefficient use of your fighters
*7whenever your bb go blind, send any planes to scout, the longer your bb are blind the faster they will die

Its quite simple, friendly BB's scouts are near the enemy lines, where their fighters go and kill them or they get downed by AA. If you arent sending fighters there, your team eventually goes blind.

Good CV players engage over enemy lines and are good at evading most AA, sure they lose planes but they make the AA ships work for their kills, all the while providing scouting and distracting the enemy from killing bb scouts.

People who only engage in friendly lines, are only after personal credits or just suck in general, they may even be good at micro in fighter vs fighter, but if they fail against mild AA then they might as well be noobs.

(I numbered your points to make them easier to keep track of)
1.Multiple AA ships that usually have VERY fast speeds (50+). Also, keeping planes over the AA means that they are some distance from BBs who sometimes carry VERY good AA (IJN and KM BBs particularly)
2. It's actually VERY easy to shoot planes at sea level. If you keep your planes far away, you'll either only be able to see 1 or 2 BBs that are closest to your fighters, or completely lose vision (IJN and MN AA are both extremely long ranged)
3. Gun angles and directions change faster (Although some AA ships are too stupid to change angles). This applies especially to escort AA ships.
4. AA has a big range.
5. Well there are always the CVs that are b****es to fight because they never let their planes engage over friendly BBs. So the options are: Listen to BBs complain about being fighter camped, or listen to BB complain about being blind.
6. That's like saying to BBs, "Remember, there are CLs on your team, don't insta-kill anything that gets in range and let them get some attack." Besides, why should we give up an opportunity to get EXP and credits; isn't that what drives the game? (Also, I don't like leaving planes to AA ships, they usually take a much longer time to shoot them all down, and plus, I get revenge for their shooting down my planes when I'm engaging.)
7. Planes don't launch instantly and if we use 1 pilot to launch 1 or 2 fighters to scout, it can totally ruin our launch patterns and make it take a VERY long time to send out fighters later.

Blind BBs are not out of the fight. Blind BBs who are busy complaining are; when I'm blind, I'm not complaining; I'm retreating backwards at a slow and steady pace while looking for gun smoke to shoot at.

BBs seem to forget that it's not CVs jobs to scout. It's the CV's job to allow the BBs to scout (i.e. get rid of fighters and bombers).

BBs also seem to forget that CVs can't automatically shoot down anything they encounter. Many times, lower level FPs are destroyed by the enemy CVs and have no chance to scout (Dragging is NOT an option for 2 reasons; most likely all of the planes will die within the first two or three seconds while the planes are turning; or because higher tier fighters are FASTER than lower tiers.)

BBs also seem to forget that CVs are horrible against AA. In the case where the enemy has good AA, a CV is even more useless at scouting than BBs. Would you like it if your team demanded you to rush in (Pretend like they also somehow forced you to not be able to fire) to provide 2 seconds of sight? Scouts have the ability to remain out of AA range whereas FP do not.

**EDIT: Forgot my rant on BWs.
BWs suck, we all know that, but it's not necessarily the player that is to blame; it's the reward system of GB2. FWing barely creates any rewards for the CV in GB2. A good game can net around 70k without premium. Then there are the costs of being a CV, (From trainworld) an IJN T4 fighter costs 450 credits. Usually, you'll restock 40-50 of these per game on a big CV. That's 18000-22500 of credits down the drain. A full repair also costs 8500 on an IJN Shinano. So a good game will only make about 40-50k profit. A more likely scenario is a profit of 20k. CVs aren't so money making, are they? That also doesn't compensate for the crap EXP gained on a CV without using bombers. A good game with only fighters gets around 20-30k on a CV5.)

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 27. 2011 00:13

Originally Posted by snailgod

(I numbered your points to make them easier to keep track of)
1.Multiple AA ships that usually have VERY fast speeds (50+). Also, keeping planes over the AA means that they are some distance from BBs who sometimes carry VERY good AA (IJN and KM BBs particularly)
2. It's actually VERY easy to shoot planes at sea level. If you keep your planes far away, you'll either only be able to see 1 or 2 BBs that are closest to your fighters, or completely lose vision (IJN and MN AA are both extremely long ranged)
3. Gun angles and directions change faster (Although some AA ships are too stupid to change angles). This applies especially to escort AA ships.
4. AA has a big range.
5. Well there are always the CVs that are b****es to fight because they never let their planes engage over friendly BBs. So the options are: Listen to BBs complain about being fighter camped, or listen to BB complain about being blind.
6. That's like saying to BBs, "Remember, there are CLs on your team, don't insta-kill anything that gets in range and let them get some attack." Besides, why should we give up an opportunity to get EXP and credits; isn't that what drives the game? (Also, I don't like leaving planes to AA ships, they usually take a much longer time to shoot them all down, and plus, I get revenge for their shooting down my planes when I'm engaging.)
7. Planes don't launch instantly and if we use 1 pilot to launch 1 or 2 fighters to scout, it can totally ruin our launch patterns and make it take a VERY long time to send out fighters later.

Blind BBs are not out of the fight. Blind BBs who are busy complaining are; when I'm blind, I'm not complaining; I'm retreating backwards at a slow and steady pace while looking for gun smoke to shoot at.

BBs seem to forget that it's not CVs jobs to scout. It's the CV's job to allow the BBs to scout (i.e. get rid of fighters and bombers).

BBs also seem to forget that CVs can't automatically shoot down anything they encounter. Many times, lower level FPs are destroyed by the enemy CVs and have no chance to scout (Dragging is NOT an option for 2 reasons; most likely all of the planes will die within the first two or three seconds while the planes are turning; or because higher tier fighters are FASTER than lower tiers.)

BBs also seem to forget that CVs are horrible against AA. In the case where the enemy has good AA, a CV is even more useless at scouting than BBs. Would you like it if your team demanded you to rush in (Pretend like they also somehow forced you to not be able to fire) to provide 2 seconds of sight? Scouts have the ability to remain out of AA range whereas FP do not.

**EDIT: Forgot my rant on BWs.
BWs suck, we all know that, but it's not necessarily the player that is to blame; it's the reward system of GB2. FWing barely creates any rewards for the CV in GB2. A good game can net around 70k without premium. Then there are the costs of being a CV, (From trainworld) an IJN T4 fighter costs 450 credits. Usually, you'll restock 40-50 of these per game on a big CV. That's 18000-22500 of credits down the drain. A full repair also costs 8500 on an IJN Shinano. So a good game will only make about 40-50k profit. A more likely scenario is a profit of 20k. CVs aren't so money making, are they? That also doesn't compensate for the crap EXP gained on a CV without using bombers. A good game with only fighters gets around 20-30k on a CV5.)

i was going to respond seriously to your post

but then i read "" (Also, I don't like leaving planes to AA ships, they usually take a much longer time to shoot them all down, and plus, I get revenge for their shooting down my planes when I'm engaging.)"""

i rest my case.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 27. 2011 03:36

Originally Posted by ConnectFour

i was going to respond seriously to your post

but then i read "" (Also, I don't like leaving planes to AA ships, they usually take a much longer time to shoot them all down, and plus, I get revenge for their shooting down my planes when I'm engaging.)"""

i rest my case.

I'm going to assume that that's an excuse so that you don't have to defend your "case" that I just picked apart piece by piece and destroyed. First of all, it was a joke. Ever heard of comedic relief (Don't respond to that question; it was a rhetorical question, or do you not know that, either?) Second of all, the fact that you used that part of text to prove your point makes no sense whatsoever.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 27. 2011 04:13

Originally Posted by Simoco
Originally Posted by t0ryu_SK
Originally Posted by ConnectFour



Ditto the Ditto of the QFT !!!!

if any cv tries to take my kills in my killzone, ill waste their sorry ass planes, unless i feel they arent doing it on purpose. I have to wait for planes to come to me, your fighter can go anywhere, stay of my turf you hear !

and some CV players are seriously good at evading AA, they are really annoying but mad respect to them for their skills _b

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 27. 2011 04:32

Originally Posted by KillerParot

Ditto the Ditto of the QFT !!!!

if any cv tries to take my kills in my killzone, ill waste their sorry ass planes, unless i feel they arent doing it on purpose. I have to wait for planes to come to me, your fighter can go anywhere, stay of my turf you hear !

and some CV players are seriously good at evading AA, they are really annoying but mad respect to them for their skills _b

Honestly it's not THAT hard to hit evading fighters; and even then, it takes a lot of attention to be managing them that well (meaning you're doing next to nothing else).

Either way, CVs get first dibs on plane kills, AA mops up any survivors (If the CV couldn't defeat them all) or destroy anything we miss. You never hear CAs and CLs saying, "if BBs try to take a BB kill in my range, I'll kill both of them, unless I feel they aren't doing it on purpose. I have to wait to get into range, their guns can shoot a lot father than I can. Stay off my kill you hear!"

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 27. 2011 04:45

Originally Posted by snailgod
Originally Posted by KillerParot

Ditto the Ditto of the QFT !!!!

if any cv tries to take my kills in my killzone, ill waste their sorry ass planes, unless i feel they arent doing it on purpose. I have to wait for planes to come to me, your fighter can go anywhere, stay of my turf you hear !

and some CV players are seriously good at evading AA, they are really annoying but mad respect to them for their skills _b

Honestly it's not THAT hard to hit evading fighters; and even then, it takes a lot of attention to be managing them that well (meaning you're doing next to nothing else).

Either way, CVs get first dibs on plane kills, AA mops up any survivors (If the CV couldn't defeat them all) or destroy anything we miss. You never hear CAs and CLs saying, "if BBs try to take a BB kill in my range, I'll kill both of them, unless I feel they aren't doing it on purpose. I have to wait to get into range, their guns can shoot a lot father than I can. Stay off my kill you hear!"

Are you one of those bad players who thinks they are elite or something ? You sound like a total noob

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 27. 2011 06:50

Originally Posted by XtremCarnage

Are you one of those bad players who thinks they are elite or something ? You sound like a total noob

Well thanks.
But seriously, no. I don't think I'm super elite or anything, but I'm decent.

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