HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • The Cv rant thread.

    06. 25. 2011 06:12

Seriously the bs needs to stop with bb's complaining about no sight when they wont even bother to fire at the lvl 100+ moltkes making it near impossible to scout.

AA needs nerfed or a lvl cap because it's getting ridicolus... cv players will not respond to " you stupid cvs give sight when you wont meet them in the middle....


  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 13. 2011 23:23

Originally Posted by ConnectFour
heh, and here i thought CV's had a SUPPORT role

Good CV players engage over enemy lines and are good at evading most AA, sure they lose planes but they make the AA ships work for their kills, all the while providing scouting and distracting the enemy from killing bb scouts.

People who only engage in friendly lines, are only after personal credits or just suck in general, they may even be good at micro in fighter vs fighter, but if they fail against mild AA then they might as well be noobs.

But why would I want to put my fighters over aa ships and risks losing my planes? I would rather have my fighters
covering the area against enemy bombers/fighters, and that is the primary jobs of fighters anyway.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 13. 2011 23:55

Give us our freaking mission AA experts mission and then we're talking.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 14. 2011 01:51

Originally Posted by Danilov
Change Altitude? try to draw the moltkes into the BBs range? Why do CV players expect BBs to sink Moltkes when it puts them at risk of being sunk by other BBs? And How are BBs supposed to sink AA ships when they cant see?

Actually danilov youre kinda wrong on thisone the days where AA boats didnt know any angle but golden are far behind and if you change your altitude they will follow and believe me AA guns angle drops much faster than your planes altitude especially KM and MN AA+add mass AA from 2-4 ships concentrated at your fps and watch them get wasted in no time.The story about altitude change has become a myth from the past ;) The thing is not to rush and kill the AA ship and get killed by enemy BBs,please dont tell me you fight enemy BBs 100% of the time.Just when you see an AA ship in range please dont ignore it (nowdays 75% of BBs just ignore anything under BB class except subs)sink the AA ship help CV help you.

PS. A dead AA ship is always a plus since you wont have to babysit your scout to keep it out of AA fire and will be able concentrate more on fighting BBs :)

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 14. 2011 05:10

Originally Posted by Panzerkraker
The story about altitude change has become a myth from the past ;)

Cool, I'm now a mythical being...
Thanks dude...

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 14. 2011 05:18

naa see NAAAA
agreed those dam dirty fithy unclean sewer clogging aa.... oh wait... I am a aa ship :D

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 16. 2011 05:54

BB's should stop blaming their failures on CV's
BB's should help clearing AA ships for CV's so that it would help scouting to be easier..
BB's should know that sometime covering area from bombers is more important than scouting..

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 16. 2011 07:36

I really think that BB players would complain less if they also ran a CV at any level. It really seems to me that everything depends on everything. I heard alot about getting AA ships, let me add this. How about clearing the path for subs. Take you torp planes early, sweep in front of the sub charge and get those subs into the battle line. It is hard to bb the aa ships, it is hard to bomb 50+knot aa ships, but subs can have their way with them if you help them get through.

As a cv player i always send tb's ahead, and take on any target of opportunity. Focusing on asw ships and subs at first.

Even with T1 and T2 fighters, you can wear down superior fighters. Maybe you do get owned badly early, but u may come out ahead later in the fight with superior numbers. Drop you T1 and T2 altitudes some, allow friendly aa to help out. If you wait for openings, T1 and T2 fighters can sneak out of your line where they can do more good.

Another thing that would help with better cv play is simply waiting for at least 6 cv's. How many times do they run with 4 cv's, and sure you get some bad mismatches. One lvl 120 cv will dominate those games and it is unfair to complain about cv play when you get a poor cv balance.

As a bb player, i get frustrated with cv's at times, but I do not complain. Try pulling out a cv from time to time and see what the game is from the cv point of view.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 16. 2011 09:45

Originally Posted by Bayes
..... I really think that BB players would complain less ......

this alone shows you totally have no clue .... bb whiners will NEVER stop whining ...
they are fail-bullies by nature .. which is WHY they play teh biggest BB they can get
and why they get a kick out of TK smaller corssers and hammer blasting ff/dd on other team
its also why ANYthing that scratches them .. MUST be nerfed ....
and why ANY failure on THEIR part is the fault of every OTHER ship in game (cv ss asw aa etc .. NOT bb)

subs and torps were nerfed to death because of the BB whiners .... they are now pretty much useless ..
this goes for the kita as well .. you hardly ever see any decent multi-kita weaving good torp walls any more

so - why act suprised that the bb whiners now want to kill off the cv's freedom to play in game as well ??

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 16. 2011 10:00

Originally Posted by fyyff
Originally Posted by Bayes
..... I really think that BB players would complain less ......

this alone shows you totally have no clue .... bb whiners will NEVER stop whining ...

Blinded BB's are useless anyway!!!!

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    07. 16. 2011 10:21

Sooo much ignorance from people who don't grasp just how bad CV's are.

I don't tell CV's they are the cause of the loss to make them feel bad. I tell them that because it's true.

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