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U.S Navy


  • seaman CV

    05. 19. 2011 23:18

How much should the PCV Seaman?

  • Re : seaman CV

    06. 06. 2011 22:21

1 Seaman is what you should have 2 is pointless. 1 Seaman gives you alot better fighter
ability and helps alot with rep and restore as well.

  • Re : seaman CV

    06. 03. 2011 04:33

>Another side effect of the seamen (because im only using it to boost my fp lethality) is,
>with my engi Midway goes 25/40 as stated in harbour.
>But put a seaman on either Gun orsupport slots and in-battle ship goes 41 knots.

client side seems not to calculate seaman bonus in habour.

however, it shows visual effect on gun line when you play the game.

A seaman bonus seems to have visual cap easily, which may not be true in the server.
and the bonus from seaman is not a fixed percentage bonus in clinet visual, which may not
be true to server too, however.
multiple seaman work too, with poor performace, i mean in client side visual too.

however, did the topic start ask about the price of 115 Lv seaman?
what are we disscussing? :-)

  • Re : seaman CV

    06. 03. 2011 01:48

@ Adamai

I would have to disagree with Adamai. Simply because its very difficult to accuratly test
the performance boost a single or multiple seaman grant.

That being said however, I tested my lvl120 ebve fps with 200+ vets with my 3 lvl120 bve
seamen with 150-200 vets. While its hard to prove if there is diminishing returns the fact
remains 3 are more effective than 2 when used against the same opposition.

Personally I run 1 on my Midway with a medic (i like my experts) in GB2's and in Harbour
Assaults I run with 2 seamen (I like 8 pilots & engi). So for my PCV I can run 3 because
one of them acts as a BO.

Another side effect of the seamen (because im only using it to boost my fp lethality) is,
with my engi Midway goes 25/40 as stated in harbour. But put a seaman on either Gun or
support slots and in-battle ship goes 41 knots.

  • Re : seaman CV

    06. 03. 2011 00:27

Seaman only really work once they reach high lvls, e.g. 110+.

  • Re : seaman CV

    06. 03. 2011 00:15

just wonder is it necessary to use elite FT seaman? i have FT 12 base seaman with 50 lvl.
it seems doing nothing with my FT

  • Re : seaman CV

    05. 24. 2011 16:23

Well I am not going to bother getting a seaman. I will just fill the slot with my 120 engy.

I am using PCV at this time, but won't be long I will have Midway.

  • Re : seaman CV

    05. 24. 2011 10:35

you only need one seaman, they give deminishing returns the more you use so if a seamn
only grants a 2.5% boost your not really achieving anything infact the slot it uses up is
probably better filled with an engy or rep. what you have to remember is a seamn boosts
all stats very slightly, where as a support sailot that has say a +11 in fighter would do
a much better job and also boost your sd significantly.

my pcv has this

6 x fp +12 bve
1 x seaman standard doesnt need to be bve ( is some times change this for a rep)
2 x tb +12 bve

crew levels are 107-114

but yes one seaman is the most pratical choice if you absolutely have to have one.

  • Re : seaman CV

    05. 24. 2011 08:36

It would depend on what the cap would be set at though it would have to be reachable by
IJN/UK. That is also of course assuming T4 fighters are kept as they are now. With the
large gap in true ability between UK/IJN and KM/USN in the end it would make overvetting
KM/USN fighters obsolete.

  • Re : seaman CV

    05. 24. 2011 02:25

I believe it only would make T4s better in comparison with T123.

  • Re : seaman CV

    05. 23. 2011 13:58

It would seem a cap on defense could actually solve all the balance problems that this
most recent patch has caused.
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