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  • Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 15:44

this is a comparsion between the US Trip 14", the ones, the only ones that go above 15 dgerees

not the range as compared to the ship

now look at the trip 12"

both these were with light shells

why has the US been nerfed to nothing till you get to lvl 70?

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 22:58

there are several sets of US dual 12" and 14" that have less range then a dd

there is one set of 14" duals that can go up to 30, but atlanta outranges it i bet

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 19:34

Don't forget all those other US guns with 15 max angle (can't think of them).

Think they were both sets of the 12" duals and 1 set of the 14" duals, the first one.

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 17:25

Well, it should be noted that the 12"/50 Mk8 is supposed to have more range than the 14"/50 Mk 7/11...look it up on Navweaps...

Of course, I dont think the difference is supposed to be that extreme...

I've made a lengthy list of how to beef up US <5" DP guns, it's in the suggestions forum.

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 17:06

i thought you maent the country itself........cus thats a different story..........

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 17:01

i mean rich in the fact that tnf see that Americans have extra money to blow on their game which is why they are delevoping this game for the NA/EU market

who would ever guess thered be differnces form the asian market?

or maby its cause americans have jobs and they dont have all day to sit that their computre to play this game?

also coplice why dont you go play on the asian server sence we dont like to work for our stuff so much

O wait didnt the china server get shut down because every one was hacking?

imagine that asians wanting stuff and not working for it

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 16:56

definately need to get some range on jap 14"s... we are forces to stay in BB1 range FOREVER....

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 16:54

what do you mean rich?

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 16:51

o coplice your so right those dam lazy americans never wana work for anything

i wonder how they ever got so rich

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 16:47

well, thats good to know

i cant figure out why the USN would build a gun for a battleship that is outranged by a anti-aircraft cruiser

  • Re : Please explain why the USN Guns are nerfed

    10. 25. 2005 16:34

i say work on the game bug before balance (since it doesnt really need a nerf)
need some chinese to post how it is there, but the problem is that unlike asian players, NA/EU player like to want everything easily without working for it
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