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  • Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 19:49

Agano, as you all know, is one shitty ship that is given up by almost all that have played it. Unlike some other nation's tree, there is no by-passing the Agano, and the Agano never becomes usable at any level when the mogami is the next ship. As of now, the only purpose of Agano is to be remodeled to Oyodo. Even compared to other CL1, the Agano is largely hopeless and even an ndd1 can outdual it often.

So what do we do about it?

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 26. 2005 10:17

You don't get the dual 8"s for Km until level 44, long after the IJN has their 7.9"s.

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 26. 2005 09:14

Skip it

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 26. 2005 06:22

What lvl is duel 8 again?

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 26. 2005 05:31

wrong, kberg holds dual 8, which do more damage than the jap dual 7.9

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 23:21

actually, i've used both the agano and the K, and imho the agano is much better than
the K.

buff the K? or just encourage germans to use Z99?

haha, to keep this post semi-on topic, the agano has the most range of any CL1, and
most damage per shell. its spread at level of the guns actually seems a little better
than german spread at level of basically play it like a german ship. run the
F*CK away, and slowly slowly rain loose volley after loose volley on the enemy.
believe it or not, it will still do damage faster than the K, with more range/damage
per lucky shell.

that said, both ships DO have a way to survive, but definitely cannot dominate like
other ships they should be playing with, thus are underpowered and should buffed.
(wtf is bluffed?)

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 20:15


agano doesnt suck..its all about how u use it.... just realize u cant go 1v1 against anything larger than ff,

-because it has bad firepower (x3 R mount)
-low dp (like 9000?)
-and big target

but i managed to do ok with it once i used it right...

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 20:07

CV engine....CV engine magic...maybe

but it is still a worst TW than kuma, which is so bad that no one uses anyways....

just use tatsuda if one wants to fit CV engine for speed....which still sucks

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 20:05

i doubt it can do 68 knots... most skeleton CL1s can't break 40 cruise/55overheat

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 20:03

Use it's bad reputation to your advantage. Equip the longest range guns you can fit, then sit next a CL1 of more value. Watch your friend die as you (slowly) kill the enemy. Huzzah!

  • Re : Agano: how to bluff it? Discuss

    10. 25. 2005 20:02

so we should all just play brit?

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