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  • Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 05:26

[For those who don't know, I play on ADSL' I do know about playing with
a CV, and with an AAA ship, kinda.]

When I first started playing CV, I thought that I should give fighter cover to all the
BBs/CAs/CLs etc in the team. However, in one of my first games, I watched helpless
as four of my fighters died to friendly flak.
390x4 = 1560 credits that I have to find someway. Given that i only have torp
bombers, and I'm still not that good at them, 1560 credits is still a huge amount to
lose from friendly fire, when they could almost earn their return in shooting bombers.
Moreover, I was told it was my fault for letting my fighters attack the enemy..

This happened several times, even when I had fighters up the sky protecting the bb
with no enemy around, stupid aa Z1 would still shoot at them.

When my fighters die to Friendly Fire, sometimes peopel say sorry. Sure, it doesnt'
give back the 390 credits per fighter, but it shows a sign of respect and that the
person isn't a complete asshole.

Then I realised, that the fighters would be better spent covering my ass because my
team won't do it for me. Good escorts are few and far between and it REALLY sucks
being attacked by four DDs with no friendlies around...

So if you aren't willing to scratch my back, I won't scratch yours. That said, I do still
give fighter cover to some people.

Food for thought. Any other CVs agree? Anyone disagree? Find this is a stupid policy?

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 10:44

Two words RNM

Forward Sweep

Says it all dont it! Send you fighters out to the enemies zone or keep them over you
for protection. Dont handcuff your AA ships by placing your fighters in their zone. Try
and catch the bombers way out there if you can.

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 09:07

Actualy, if you make your fighters run around in circle right in front of the BB it's
already to late to kill those db, the bb will get hurt. You need to put your fighters as
interceptors 1 or 2 screen away from the capital ships and away from AA frenzy. I'm
mostly never losing any planes to friendly fire, and this is how. If something goes
wrong with that batch of fighters send the others, because you have 1 or 2 screen
of reaction. Too close, too late.

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 08:52

That's another problem Carmelo: My fighters are crap and slow, but if they catch DB
they can kill them. That's why AA is better for you guys: it attacks when you want it
to, not when your pilots find the accelerate lever. I would always prefer my own AA
(especially if it's those german 3.46, droooool) over fighters because it's just plain
better for that purpose. I personally would never send my fighters into a zone that is
being flakked - that's suicide, but I have seen people who do it and it's entirely their
own fault.

Thanks for good posts from BC/BB players.

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 08:51

I have yet to have a BB compain about my CV . . . Oh wait that's because I go after the
other CV's and put up fighters . . .

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 08:31

Obviously, the best ways to make money don't involve playing in slow all welcome
games, but I'm pretty sure the CL/CA/BB games don't allow CV's.

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 07:44

Also to add to my post, its a big map so its hard to cover a large spread out fleet.

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 07:41

What I've seen is that about 90% of the time if I'm in an all welcome with 6+ CVs,
and I'm in my O Project, I rarely see any sign of friendly air cover. And when I do, it's
fighters vectoring in as the bombers are already coming in to drop their gifts on my
deck, far too late to actually prevent anything. And it really pisses me off, because
they're getting in the way of my flak, which might actually shoot down a bomber or
three, and instead I sit and watch while dodging frantically before my slow-to-turn
ship gets hit for 10k dp.

So there is another side to the coin, mat. I'm not saying you do it, but all too often
the people with the fighters are too slow to do anything, and they still send in the
fighters to try and rack up the kills while screwing over the targeted ship.

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 07:39

It is sad but true. I agree with fighter cover to BB only to be honest. Even BB fire at
fires though. The main problem is that Dive bombs may not look like they hurt BB.
They infact do sever damage to Soft Defence causing every single bomb to hit for
200 and burn for another 1000. This may not seem like much... but it is for BC and

Sometimes if there are to many bombers heading towards you... you find yourself
with no choice but to open up even if friendly fighters are nearbye.

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 07:35

It's so true though Seahawk :
"Give me fighter" "CV bomb their CV First" "CV dont bomb the BB" "CV send fighter"
"CV bomb that kita" "CV give me fighter" "CV dont bomb BB"

  • Re : Reason why I don't give fighter cover

    10. 27. 2005 07:30

It doesnt matter what we CVers write in here we are always wrong. You should
have bombed their CV first to keep him from killing our CA. You should haved
bombed their BB first to keep him killing our BB. Why didnt you put up fighter cover
over me. Why did you have fighter cover over me. I gave up listening to people
yelling at me for what i did or didnt do. A fleet is suposed to move together DDs
screen for the CLs, the CLs and CAs screen for the BBs and cover the DDs, Cvs are
supposed to cover the fleet with fighters and bomb the emery ships when they get
in range and the fleet covers the CVs.

This is the main reason i give fighter to the fleet to keep our key players from being
sunk but if you start shooting down my fighters or outrun me and leave me
defenceless ill pull my planes back to my ship so when that enemy DD run up on me i
dont have him shooting down all my aircraft when they are landing. Protect me and
ill protect you. Leave me and you are on your own.
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