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  • Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 14:46

I've been playing a couple hours each day for the past several days. And, I've been
crashing out of the game once an hour (at least) during this period.

And now, in the middle of a Sunday afternoon, I am in the process of downloading

Could someone please tell me what in the blue bloody hell I could possibly need to
download? And, why in the hell it is going to take 30 minutes or more to download it
considering the size?

This picture was taken 5 minutes in to the download. At the time of posting, I am 13
files and 10 minutes. And, just 15 minutes ago, I had 100k attack and watching a
teammate fire at the enemy's flagship.

Please, do not tell me it is my system either. I work with computers for a living. My
system isn't the reason this game screws up constantly.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 30. 2011 06:29

@GT that's why you mention the companies name :P

But anyways i can't even play the game due to the horrendous lag. Also mods and FM's can
shove the idea it's my pc or my ISP up there arse, i contacted nexicom and pinged there
servers today no issues.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 30. 2011 06:13

The game crashes constantly and the best thing available is to screw with compatibility
modes or any number of Windows OS settings to get it to work...and it takes years for
possible suggestions to show up.

But type two letters referencing another video game that has been out for 12 years
and people are on top of it within 10 hours!

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 30. 2011 04:13

>>> Why SDE won't just fix the game and make it more stable I don't understand.

Careful with your wishes our kings of incompetence might try this one, and i am most
certain it would end in a catastrophic fail. Better reinstall the game every now and then,
tan to reinstall your OS every now and then.

Also its only been 5 years since they were able to see that their poor audio coding would
make the game instable, on the next big Microsoft operating system. You cant expect em to
come up with a solution in this short amount of time.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 30. 2011 01:40

I get that "start, crash, start, run" bug too.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 18:17

Is this the new bug thread? Or just a crash thread?

One new bug that screwed up my sub last HA was that NavyFAIL unloaded parts of my sub crew
after I left the harbor. When I left the harbor, my HEII had one torpman, sonarman,
planesman, 2 level 90 engineers, and one level 106 engineer.

During the HA, I found I couldn't fire a torp, and had no sonar range. After getting sunk,
I went back to the harbor, where I found, much to my surprise, that my Torpman, Sonarman &
106 engineer were all in the crewbank, and NOT onboard the sub where they'd been when I
left the harbor.

First time I've had THAT happen -.-
I'd report it to the GMs, but in all honesty, what can they do? Nothing it would seem,
based on the almost decade old bugs that still exist in the game.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 18:06

gt, last night at about 2 AM eastern i tried playing and it wasn't happening. The game
since the last mantance has become more unstable then before, SDE won't acknowledge
anything. I just re did all my drivers and etc cause they were giving me issues but right
now i am probably just going to get rid of NF for the forseeable future and just stick to
the RTS series that westwood released in 95.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 17:41

"I start NF, sit in a waiting room and do the magical crash where you don't know whats
happened unless you try to type."

I get that crash on my 64 bit Windows 7 laptop about once every hour or two (or every 3 or
4 games depending on how fast the games are starting).

I too have to re-download 3 or 4 files to be able to start the game again. My most
consecutive amount of crashes (each crash was a different type) so far is 5. I really
don't see why SDE can't simply update NF to be compatible with Vista and 7. Vista has been
out for over 4 years, and 7 has been out for close to 2 already...

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 17:26

In case anyone was wondering, I logged in to my ** clan's server and was able to play
with no problem whatsoever and a relaxing 15 ping.

Edited By Deadeye - Removed name of other game.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 17:14

I downloaded and reinstalled the game. Finally got back in game.

Thankfully, I was lagging every 20 to 30 seconds and NavyFIELD stopped responding at
the results screening causing me to crash out of the game again.


  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 15:50

I start NF, sit in a waiting room and do the magical crash where you don't know whats
happened unless you try to type. I then try to restart and it downloads 3 files that don't
do anything because I repeat the above process until I just start GTA or Bad Company 2.
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