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  • Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 14:46

I've been playing a couple hours each day for the past several days. And, I've been
crashing out of the game once an hour (at least) during this period.

And now, in the middle of a Sunday afternoon, I am in the process of downloading

Could someone please tell me what in the blue bloody hell I could possibly need to
download? And, why in the hell it is going to take 30 minutes or more to download it
considering the size?

This picture was taken 5 minutes in to the download. At the time of posting, I am 13
files and 10 minutes. And, just 15 minutes ago, I had 100k attack and watching a
teammate fire at the enemy's flagship.

Please, do not tell me it is my system either. I work with computers for a living. My
system isn't the reason this game screws up constantly.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 15:45

I've had this happened before, right after a disconection. Somehow whenever navyfield crashes it can ruin
files causing lots of errors and problems including this one.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 15:35

The game is so unstable it requires about 100 different voodoo things to make it work.

For example, my game crashes on start up unless I have firefox or some other full screen
program open in the background.

Every time I start the game, it crashes once, I try again and it loads.

If the game crashes you have to kill the Navyfield.eve process in Task Manager or it will
never restart. After killing the process you have 1 crash and then it loads.

Why SDE won't just fix the game and make it more stable I don't understand. I play
Internet Spaceships regularly and I have crashed about 2 times this YEAR. I have crashed
4 times TODAY with NF...

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 15:28

I spoke too soon. Now the game is crashing out right after clicking "Play Game!"

Thanks, SDE.

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 15:23

*I can only assume the game has corrected some fatal flaw*

Its uninstalling! :P

  • Re : Downloaded Files

    05. 29. 2011 15:13

35 minutes

I can only assume the game has corrected some fatal flaw and will now work
spectacularly for the foreseeable future.
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