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  • Richest player in NF?

    06. 02. 2011 04:09

So, who of you has more credits than anyone?

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 21:22

When I get bored, I buy an Ise and turn it into a Hybrid. also, the remodelling of certain
CVs (in order to minimize lvl/XP penalty during grind) is a constant drain on my creds. I
spend too much on side projects. Also, I like to buy a halfway decent pilot on the trade
menu every now and then.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 21:20

its fun be able to crush you with my wallet :)

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 20:53

wow i guess i am wrong about the rich part... quite shocked actually... oh well...
what the hell you guys spend your money on... bb6 is only 50 mil.. i was with you
guys for like 3 years and i can by 10 bb6 and armor most of them up... i dont use a
cv either...might have been the 4 years of aa...but then again i have given out a
good 1/4 billion to friends and fleets and randoms....and still have half bil left over

interesting for sure

my info came from the years working with you guys and making the same money as
you assumption is you made the same if not more than me

sry kings i thought wrong my bad soz... i just cant see how i made money than all
you guys....just doesnt make sense... must have been the aa then

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 19:57

Don't forget Lukas Kings. He owes me enough that I have equated creditos to pints of beer.

For anyone curious; 1 Pint (in the UK East Midlands, average price) = 20 450 000 credits

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 19:33

"I would imagine long term cv players have tons of credits."

CVs dont make that many credits do they? I couldnt even afford a Midway when I turned 120
and had to sell my EDD NY :*( Then again I was 100% free player then and was pulling in
like 1/2 the credits a prem player would be.

Anyway original Card had alot of credits at one time.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 15:08

"I think Damp is the richest....
most older jedi are filthy rich...
some get money from people leaving the game and give to the friends
many other fleets have rich players but i think jedi had/have the most richest players
due to the constant ownings for years"

As Kings has said, I don't quite know where you get your information from. I certainly
know of no accounts with anything worth talking about...

Pretty much all of Jedi are broke. Im down to about 10M and most of that is on a
different account...

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 14:50

outcast5 was up to 50 billion last time I checked

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 14:02

most older jedi are filthy rich...

@No idea who you are referring too. If your referring to Sparky that would be because Fire
played it to 120 twice in a CV, how ever it only has about 40 mill credits, it's full of
points how ever.

Let me think of all the older Jedi who are broke off the top my head.

Gt, Fire, Ar2, Sov, Barrett, Guido, Kings (myself), Coae, Sippenhaft, Casca, and Splid is
in the worst shape out of all of us. At one point Splid was getting loans to repair his
Kaiser. So who in Jedi is filthy rich?

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 13:31

I've spent @450m credits on ships - but most of that came from the first 2-3 years or so
when I used to play cv.

I would imagine long term cv players have tons of credits.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 12:12

Lot of ppl still trade 1$ = 1 mill.
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