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  • Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:11

I asked this question in the Ask TeamNF portion of the website (Under Support,
Team N.F.).

"Do you ever plan on removing torpedo detonation at end of run?"

Their reply: NO.

I am getting sick of this shit. Unless some really incredible changes get made to this
game before retail, you can count me out.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 27. 2005 12:23

Well I bet TeamNF is making ALOT of big changes to the game as we speak, we
havent heard nor seen them because they are waiting to release them once this
game goes retail


  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 27. 2005 12:20

why should tnf answer you guys, you aren't paying them =.= so why??
i bet they will answer everybody after retail
btw vonnimitz blockshot isn't realistic too, so? maybe tnf don't want to make it realistic
live with this. GOOD BYE was *nice* to meet you

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 27. 2005 12:19

Why remove the detonation after the Torpedo completed it's run. Torps probably
don't do that in the years since World War 2 as we have developed newer and
better torpedo designs. I do know however that in World War 2, both Sub and Ship
launch torpedoes did detonate at the end of there run. That aspect of the game is
realistic, I fail to see your problem with it, other then the possibility of sinking more
ships with each salvo....

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 27. 2005 11:56

Agree with the OP on torp detonation removal.

My little Q boat gets stuck smack dab in the middle of a huge torp line, I gracefully turn
my boat straight toward the line and between two of them when BAM! The whole line
detonates at the end of it's run and I get wtfpwned by splash damage.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 27. 2005 11:27

Yea and Phrozen, tell your anti-social boss that you mods cant do sh** with the
game other than act as a human shield for TeamNF so he doesnt have to talk to

I dont agree or disagree with von on his problems, but I do raise my hand (and it's
middle finger) at the fact that TeamNF NEVER EVER TALKS TO THE COMMUNITY

PHROZEN, since TeamNF only ever talks to you mods (or people with fancy name
tags and no powers), tell him that if he expects to make money from this game, he
needs to be more human about it. Nothing makes a gamer happier then knowing
that their opinion actually gets directly sent up to the developers to be used in their

There is a word for mods like you who tell devs like TeamNF everything that happens
in the game, they are called MIDDLEMEN.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 23:48

I have absolutely no problem with being sunk by torpedoes that hit me. However, I
do not think it is fun or realistic for torpedoes to explode simply because they have
traveled a certain distance. With the damage that some torpedoes do, you can have
your entire DP destroyed by about 5-6 torpedoes that never would have hit you
(this includes bulge as well). When you have ships that fire 25 torpedoes in a single
broadside, this is a serious problem. It is not a game breaking problem by itself, but
it is one of many problems that TeamNF has either not responded to, or in this case,
outright said that it will not be fixed. But I am sick of explaining these issues that the
game has, because nothing ever gets done about them. Look at how many times
TeamNF claimed to have fixed splash to a reasonable level. When a CL3 can be sunk
by 5 torpedoes that never even hit it, then splash is still a problem.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 20:04

Ok I'm wrong.

When you ask yes/no questions apparently I should expect to get MORE than a
yes/no answer.

This backward community is what needs the most work.

Your posts are more than irrelavent, they are contradictory -- which is far worse. I
mean honestly, read what you post. DURR THEY DONT CARE, they answered my
yes/no question with "no", but I wanted them to say "yes" durrrrrrrrrr.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 20:00

Vonnimitz probably is just frustrated some noob tw sunk his "supposedly" dd-
invincible CL/CA?

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:34

If you want a more in depth response, ask a Mod directly. In that section we can only
select Yes, No, Cannot answer.

Ask me now if you want.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:32

Yoursheperd, have you been hiding under a rock? I've raised this issue numerous
times, along with many other issues, right here in the forums. Never got a single
response from TeamNF for over 6 months. I finally get a response (although horribly
simplistic at that), and the response is, we don't care.

Also, read my post above. The only questions that are being answered at all are
yes/no questions. Your post is entirely irrelevant.
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