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  • Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:11

I asked this question in the Ask TeamNF portion of the website (Under Support,
Team N.F.).

"Do you ever plan on removing torpedo detonation at end of run?"

Their reply: NO.

I am getting sick of this shit. Unless some really incredible changes get made to this
game before retail, you can count me out.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:30

Perhaps I'm naive...

But when you ask a yes or no question... and get a yes or no answer. What exactly
did you expect?

Try soliciting an open ended question and then you can complain when you get a
yes/no response. Perhaps, since you appear to wish that torpedo detetonation be
removed, phrase your question in the following way:

What is the reason for having torpedos detonating at the end of their runs? Why
are you currently satisfied with this aspect of the game?

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:22

Hah, if I am lucky to receive a yes or no question from the developers in a Beta test,
then that game has no future.

Also, you do not seem to be familiar with the section of the website that I am
refering to.
Look to the left, click on Support > Team N.F.
Then click on Ask TeamNF.
You are allowed to ask Yes/No questions.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:19

You're lucky TNF ANSWERED it. That's like a once in the lifetime thing.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:16

An absolutely unsatisfactory answer. I do not feel like paying for a game where
issues that I regard as important are not even looked into. I'm not saying that I am
right or that TeamNF is wrong, just that I don't think that this will be the game for
me. It isn't just the torpedoes, it is the entire mentality of how TeamNF is running
this so-called beta test that makes me not trust them with my money.

  • Re : Unless Something Changes I'm Not Staying

    10. 26. 2005 19:12

I don't understand what's making you frustrated. You got an answer, did you not?
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