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  • Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 24. 2005 05:06

I have just been over for two games on Convoy Op. Both games were stacked, I.e, one team with two 70+ Z99, or a team stacked with vet players who camped in the others area.

This game is being blatently misused by people and the honest people playing in area 7 are suffering. Why the hell do I play an all welcome, a game that is far harder than Con Op to survive in, and get less EXP?

Team NF, either remove the game or somehow sort out the misuse.



  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 24. 2005 05:29

I remember sometime ago seeing an ss I think Loaji or Obst posted it... scoring like 6k xp... now... that means pure damage with heaving great big guns and even then it only being worth like 2.5% of the way to the next level... these Op Cons (read: "these" Op Cons where people skirt around the rules, hide in grey areas or just out and out cheat) seem to provide unbelievable sums of points for 30 minutes gaming... now... yea... the grind is slow and could do with being a little better oiled... the way Op Con can be abused to swiftly fly up levels really isn't a fair way of doing it when those that play the game a la area 7 end up suddenly facing these nicely whored up boats...

(coincidently... why was before I posted this b1s marked (ho ho pun) down as the last on to post here?)
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