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  • Bigger map (+ POLL)

    06. 23. 2010 04:54

SDE/community, why we don't have one bigger map like real war on seas.
Now we have most of the time 30/50 players in a gb2 but the map is so small i think.
CV's can bomb everywhere they want. The cv range is all over the map.
Why don't make a map 4 times so big. So cv's must really move for attacking a
Then you have a more tactic game and more real.
Then you must really think where you're going to.
And not just shoot run, shoot run, all on the same places.
How long takes it to sail from north to south..? 1 min? don't know.
Thats not real offcourse.
But we can still have the normal gb2 room.
Maby an idea for more real and more fun Navy games.
It's now more; just shoot so much as you can.

Regards Fabain



  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 09:07

I strongly support the idea of bigger maps.
As it is now, a CV has few chances against BCs and BBs which is absolutely
unrealistic. In fact running CV is hard work for very little reward atm. As a result we
almose always lack CVs in GB2. With bigger maps playing CV would be much more
tactical and more fun. CVs would also be able to escape from rushing BBs as it is in

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 08:40

One massive map with 4+ teams, each team would have to travel as a group together in order
to stay alive, protect the carriers and work together which would help promote team work
hopefully. Just a nice thought i reckon would be some fun, the only team work we see now
is harbor assault or fleet battles. The rest is just FFFictory to get the most experience,
sometimes it is nice to feel like apart of the team and work towards a win without all the
hassle of organizing FB/HA rather than just hoping for a 50-50 chance at winning a game.

Of course the only way to make this possible is to make it rewarding somehow so the masses
will convert, then again it will probably still bring with it FFFictory rushing. I guess
its more endless grinding for everyone.

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 07:58

a2035, you seem to have missed the point completely.

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 07:56

I wouldn't mind larger maps and employing more time on each battle when the exp is right.
Larger maps would also mean more chances for small ships sneaking through enemy battle
lines... would generally like more interesting maps that would allow more tactical options
rather than the arcade style we have so far. CVs could benefit from such, larger maps
as well (more fuel for the planes)

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 06:40

why is this in general discussion?

Move it to suggestions and discuss it there along with all the other threads talking
about the same thing that would never happen.

To make a bigger map possible you would need to include:

1: Additional xp
2: An objective beyond deathmatch
3: An appropriate time limit
4: Land masses (to keep perspective and avoid a huge boring map)
5: Merge all the servers into only one or two
6: Advertise NF (to gain more players to fill rooms)
7: Teams would need to be 40-50 players each, minimum
8: The ability to reload ammunition

All of those things have been suggested and like this "general discussion", they will
never happen...

Other than all of that, this is a great "general discussion"

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 06:37

agree with emma, a bigger map just encourages more defencive gameplay => longer battles
and $DE obviosly has something against longer battles according to the patches they have

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 06:31

actually i like the idea if u have like 1hr battles..... u get like 200k xp :) that would
change the game so much and make it more fun in my point of view

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 06:31

"Bigger map"

your first question should be:

"It is possible to introduce bigger maps?"
SDE answer:

SDE allready stated thats it not possible to play on bigger maps.. bigger maps = complete
reprogramming of NF, SDE = Lack of skilled programmers

"You don't get more exp for playing longer games. Not at the moment."

for noobs yes...

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 06:13

You don't get more exp for playing longer games. Not at the moment.

  • Re : Bigger map

    06. 23. 2010 05:50

offcourse you earn more exp for longer games, so thats no excuse.. -.-
And bigger maps if more real fun too, the gb2 what we have now is more hitting every
duck that you can.. so worthless
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