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  • AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:18

idk if anyone ever made a post about this before and im not gonna search through
the forums.

ive noticed that players in nf these days think aa is an answer to everything,im
talking about the noobs who clearly see ur ftrs up but will still aa them directly in
view jus to get some bonus creds frm the other cvs ftrs.I dnt wana flame them cuz
then a ban will come and im tryingg to keep a clean record in nf for wat its worth but
tnf if there isnt a type of penalty or xp loss for the noobs who shoot down friendly
ftrs u mite see a whole lotta reports in the near future:p

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 12:13

AA TKill or whatever TKill:

TKill is TKill . there are no excuses and no exceptions.

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:49

I agree with xpalax. If you can't manage your fighters/bombers right, I'll AA the enemy
planes in my range. Of course, I don't do much AAing since I jsut restarted my KM crew and
haven't got my AA gunners to lvl 30 yet, but still...

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:49

Amen, Xpalax, Amen.

Also I do agree, with the amount of noobs running around that can't keep their
finger off the trigger (usually low levels in Emdens), its to be expected. You can try
talking to them but not sure how effective that would be...

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:45

Can we get an AMEN! for Palax? He's damn right. If you *threaten* the BB I'm covering by
letting them get camped by fighters, who give the enemy team sight, and don't micro your
fighters to at least draw them away, say goodbye to your aircraft.

Keep your damn fighters *out there*! Actually intercept things *BEFORE* they get into my
AA range. Don't let your fighters circle over our team; don't let bombers get too close
before engaging them; don't send five fighters to take out a scout within my AA range. When
I don't get any credits it means you've done a #$@%ing SPECTACULAR job. Pat yourself on
the goddamn back when I whine at the end of the game. You've earned it.

That being said, don't be as greedy as those who will and do use their AA. Bombers
dragging your fighters too close to that AA boat? Does he look like he's in position and
ready to open fire? Disengage and let him finish the leftovers. Do *YOU* really need 300
more credits?

*THINK* before opening your mouth. Consider both sides of the issues before whining. I've
been saved by our CV in my Battleship, in my flakschiff, and even in my Submarine many
times. Each time I thought I was a goner. I made it a point each and every time to either
thank them or compliment them. I may be a flakschiff bent on clearing the skies of winged
metal beasties but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate or look out for the CV on my
team. I watch their back even if they don't care about my own.

Edit: @Gangrel
Screenshots + Reporta and/or "/mod" = Vacation for the little darling.

Either that or you accidentally hit the "." key while your TB just so happen to be in the
process of a flyover.


  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:44

Pala, i can accept seeing my planes going down in flames because of a friendly AA volley,
but only if it is really necessary and if enemy aircraft are going down with them. Lately,
my aircraft tend to go down because some idiot AAW is trying to hit the last bomber that
is an inch away from any possible target and being chased by 8 of my FPs... And there you
have the reason of the lack of FP... Noob CVs that don't Cover enough + Noob AAWs that
don't care about the FPs of friendly useful CVs.

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:40

makes cv role usless then

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:32

Xpalax is an AA noob? >_>

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:27

My rule of thumb for my AA usage.

If your fighters can't kill the bombers before they are in AA range, I will AA to stop them.

If your fighters are circle jerking above me with other fighters, I will AA them.

If your bombers are circle jerking with fighters, I will AA them.

If your scout is circle jerking another scout in AA range, I will AA them.

Bottom line is, if you can't micro your planes, or if you can't handle covering your BBs,
expect your planes to get AAed. So grow up.

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:25

actually i have had many game losses because people who think they are better at providing
cover for the BB's with AA instead of my fighter i simply just stop sending fighters in
that area which leads to BB's flaming me for no ft cover -.-

but i do atleast send a message in team chat saying why there is no ft cover

so the most simple answer to the new aa ships is let them deal with the aircraft while you
send your planes to another area

  • Re : AA noobss..can cvs flame them without getting banned?

    07. 22. 2009 11:21

They just *play and enjoy* the game. Why don't you too?

... Sarcasm off
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