HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 04:24


Just added to the test server!

Not alot in detail yet but soo far quite concerning in the potential for how bad this could go wrong, anyways heres some screenshots.

All the available items


And I guess the means to bolt them to your ship

All we know is they are Olive funded items and have a duration of 3 days.

Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.


  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 14:49



  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 15:02


SDE just went full retard with this P2W content.


I am afraid that my long term statement that "this game is alive DESPITE foolishness of its developers" can come to an end. Finally developers will slughter playerbase. They will finally achieve they end game goal to scare of every one.


What yo should do SDE? FIX HA issues! It is one of a few things still holding massive amount of players in this game (e.g. me). Whatever anyway ... SDE is deaf as it always was ...


Dear SDE you should buy yourself some marketing skill cause your really suck ...

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 15:12


funny how this gets leaked the day of....



dun ta dun..... can you guess?


NF2 beta opens.......



  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 15:18


Originally Posted by L0TTERY

 Sailor abilities are capped by both ability caps and the ship they are in. So theoretically, a free player can be competitive with a paying player. The paying payer just hits the caps earlier, and may have a bit of extra OH, which isn't game breaking. These remove or reduce those caps, and are in-accesible by players who can't buy them. With the right combo of tuning items, some ships will be near unstoppable. 

Thanks for the reply clarifying.  Seems like a legitimate concern. 

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 15:31


The most amusing part of this whole thing would be if it was a poorly planned April Fool.


Planning an April Fool then having your playerbase go crazy because they think that it is exactly the kind of retarded stuff they expect from you would be something even SDE would take at least 25 seconds to forget about.

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 15:37


The thing I like the most is that they are kicking people off the server now for creating "All welcome" rooms.

The reason: You have been asked by a mod not to do so and you didnt listen.... 

This game is going downhill faster than ever before... 

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 15:40


pay to win


un freaking believe able


i play free to play games for the fact that there arent any pay to win bullshit in it


now you want to apply it to this game INSERT CURSEWORD HERE


dont put this PAY TO WIN BULLSHIT in the game PERIOD

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 16:04


just a hint sde : 

play this off as an aprils fools joke and drop the whole idea.

nr 2 : killing off your own game in a way like this wont make those players magically go over to the game that is navyfield 3d (exept from the idiots that is) the majority of the players will insted just ignore the whole game/company insted but if you treat the costumers well and actually fix the problems that need fixing insted of lying and saying "significant improvements have been made" or w/e would actually be good and there would then be a bigger chance the playerbase would support the company that runs the game  

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 16:26


since vick11 asked for constructive critism, lets put some in

1: don't put this in. This is an incredibly bad idea.

2: fix HA bugs and crashing. GBs are sometimes completely based on luck of how many BBs crash on one side (when you're in a DD, CL or CA). And fix the other bugs.

3: Add skins. They'll generate income and aren't game breaker. Do be careful on the ones that are a bit more similar (lion 1 & 2), but i'm sure you'll be able to work it out.

Feel free to add on this list for $DE and vick11 to see.

edit: I'm feeling generous enough to give maybe one reason why it won't work (directed at $DE).
The system might work in korea mainly because gaming over there is an incredibly normal social thing to do. They're a lot more willing to spend money on games. Here in NA, gaming is more of an occasional thing you do to fill up the time, and most people here do not play often enough to spend much money on it. There are a select few who do, but much less than in korea.
However, even with all the hardcore gamers in korea, it still has the potential to screw up game balance completely. This is another large problem, especially in a tier-governed game like this.
Nexon's Vindictus is having a similar problem with their Seal system and drop rate: players complain that the drop rate is too low and the seals which they gather (you can get 10 per day) take too long to get the rare drops (334 seals? Who wants to farm 3 hours per day for a month?). It's because that gaming here is less hardcore, etc.

Instead of looking at the select few hardcore gamers, i suggest you to look at the casual players because they are what make up most of the playerbase.
On that note, the playerbase should have a high priority because they're who pay you for your game. 

  • Re : A bit of fine tuning anyone

    03. 27. 2013 16:37


Originally Posted by BrooklynLord

3: Add skins. They'll generate income and aren't game breaker. Do be careful on the ones that are a bit more similar (lion 1 & 2), but i'm sure you'll be able to work it out.

I like that idea!  I would def be willing to buy a new skin pattern for my BBs