HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 01. 2011 17:46

Anyone know if they messed with the SS4's? Or the torps? I never used to get duds on my MN torps, now almost every one duds, its crazy. Also it feels like they nerfed the air on all the ss4, i have KM, IJN, and MN. Wassupwitdat?


  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 04:47

What is the problem humberto? Many people have spent 100's on this game on their bb or cv crews as well. And on top of that to get a top tier bb/cv 6 it is at level 120. So for something that takes about 1/10th the time to attain, it should be able to just drop level 120 ships with the quickness? Maybe the ss5 should be as powerful as the current ss4 but be required to be lvl 95-103 ish. Think about it this way, the current ss4 is about the same level as any nations bb3, but you don't see bb3 raping whole teams(most of the time, there is always an exception with talented players.) A bb4 is level 89, so maybe ss 4 needs to be made 89, and the ss5 103, just like bb5s.

The best part of the op subs is evident when a bb6 can land a full salvo on a level 70-80 ish sub, and the sub still is in the yellow or green, but a level 70-80 ish sub can drop a level 120 bb with 5-10 torps. Yeah the current set up seems pretty balanced humberto.

  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 04:49

Subs will get fixed to fit better into NFNA balancing. Does that mean that some things will be nerfed rather harshly? Yes, indeed.

And rest assured, LJ is not the only one fighting for better balance and a better game.

  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 05:29

Originally Posted by TOMMY_CHONG

Think about it this way, the current SS4 is about the same level as any nations bb3, but you don't see bb3 raping whole teams(most of the time, there is always an exception with talented players.)
Im sure that you can find around more screens with BB3 raping whole teams than SS4 raping whole teams...

If team like a team failed then BB2,3 can easily rape enemies...Same for SS...if opponents ASW failed then is easy for SS rape enemys team.
Average effect on the game on SS4 is about average effect on BB3-4... You can see more time you can see BB3 sunk enemy BB6 then SS sunk enemy BB6... Average attack on SS4 with skilled SS player is between average attack on BB3-BB4...
Yes SS can sunk BB6, but the same can be done by BB1,2,3, CV1,2,3...

BB6 can be sunk by smaller ship too...

we will "balance" Moltke because is able to oneshot BB6? I hope no...because in this videos its defending team fail same like if SS4 sunk BB6...

  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 07:02

Why is anyone bothering with this? It's like arguing with a creationist. Useless. He has his opinions, and regardless of whether they are based in reality, he will hold them, and no amount of arguing will change his mind. He and people like him have utterly ruined this game, blocking any move for greater accessibility to new players or smoother more sensible progression, leading to the huge dropoff rate around lvl 60. SS were designed to kill ships with huge guns and lots of armor, big surprise they are able to do so. In ASW I can pretty much kill every sub on the other team singlehandedly, if ppl are calling out targets etc. In fleet battles you can build ASW right into the setup , thus nerfing any OPness right off the bat. Yes, Lj, my fist is completely OP if you decide not to defend against it, or prepare in any way for it smashing into you face. In GB a sub CAN get a good run in, but usually not. And the SS you have a hard time with are closer to lvl 105-120, and with the xp nerf , that means they actually had to battle MORE thn the same lvl BB so by your own logic they DESERVE to be able to kill BB ( as if divine right figured into this). Pathetic. Weak.
Let's break it down: Rock, Scissors, Paper. How can this game exist? To rock, paper is op. To paper, it's scissors. To scissors its rock. Get it? The game works because there is a circle of feeding. You loved the old days when it was just a straight line with BB at the end. Well, some people like to have the circle, and have more ships and playstyles to choose from. When I'm bored of my BB, or sick of waiting for CV to start rooms, I fire up my SS, sick of that? Fire up the CV. Quit screwing with this game because you and your 'elite' friends can't deal with a different sort of threat. Accept the fact that these exist and man up. So sick of hearing your incessant whining and crying and actually getting your way. You are biased beyond all belief, and your logic is failure embodied. If you can't kill ship ship a lvl 12 ship can kill, why advertise your lack of ability? Why nerf it? Get some skills, and man up.

  • Re : All that Matters

    08. 03. 2011 07:04

There can be only one SS-Superstar!

  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 07:22

Originally Posted by joshmon999

Yes, Lj, my fist is completely OP if you decide not to defend against it, or prepare in any way for it smashing into you face.

WOW, rage much?

  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 07:35

I think noone is even considering that subs could indeed be more fun after they have been properly balanced? I for one am not going to continue my grind on my IJN sub line because it is ridiculously one sided gameplay.

  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 08:12

Originally Posted by joshmon999

Why is anyone bothering with this? It's like arguing with a creationist. Useless. He has his opinions, and regardless of whether they are based in reality, he will hold them, and no amount of arguing will change his mind. He and people like him have utterly ruined this game, blocking any move for greater accessibility to new players or smoother more sensible progression, leading to the huge dropoff rate around lvl 60. SS were designed to kill ships with huge guns and lots of armor, big surprise they are able to do so. In ASW I can pretty much kill every sub on the other team singlehandedly, if ppl are calling out targets etc. In fleet battles you can build ASW right into the setup , thus nerfing any OPness right off the bat. Yes, Lj, my fist is completely OP if you decide not to defend against it, or prepare in any way for it smashing into you face. In GB a sub CAN get a good run in, but usually not. And the SS you have a hard time with are closer to lvl 105-120, and with the xp nerf , that means they actually had to battle MORE thn the same lvl BB so by your own logic they DESERVE to be able to kill BB ( as if divine right figured into this). Pathetic. Weak.
Let's break it down: Rock, Scissors, Paper. How can this game exist? To rock, paper is op. To paper, it's scissors. To scissors its rock. Get it? The game works because there is a circle of feeding. You loved the old days when it was just a straight line with BB at the end. Well, some people like to have the circle, and have more ships and playstyles to choose from. When I'm bored of my BB, or sick of waiting for CV to start rooms, I fire up my SS, sick of that? Fire up the CV. Quit screwing with this game because you and your 'elite' friends can't deal with a different sort of threat. Accept the fact that these exist and man up. So sick of hearing your incessant whining and crying and actually getting your way. You are biased beyond all belief, and your logic is failure embodied. If you can't kill ship ship a lvl 12 ship can kill, why advertise your lack of ability? Why nerf it? Get some skills, and man up.

Nah, you are not right men, it is too hard to adapt yourself to the game, it is easier to adapt the game to yourself. New things that change the game are overpowered. Everything that disrupts the old gamestyle of 3 years ago is ruining the game, That is the only truth that we, elitist and old BB players that cant adapt to new things want to hear and you all are totally wrong because you are newbies and you dont have enough knowledge of the game.

/sarcasm off

Im 95% BB driver and i have played a lot to this game. BB class is completly overpowered in NF, but people allways forget that ^^. As like this game is designed subs doesnt need big changes. If they want to make a light nerf to SS4 before SS5 comes out that would be ok and reasonable, making SS5s much more powerfull than current SS4s would be too much.

  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 08:34

The truth is, anything that BB drivers doesnt like, its auto jajajaja overpowahh!

  • Re : Ninja Patch on SS4?

    08. 03. 2011 08:35

Ok, first off, the fist to face reference wasn't some sort of threat, or anger, lol, it was an example. A hulking 6'6" guy would find my fist OP if he didnt do anything to stop it. Ignored it and pretended it didnt exist. He would find out otherwise. But if he actually defended himself, then he would probably easily defeat me, I'm not Chuck Norris.

Second, the last poster was right on, I feel SS are fairly balanced as it is, and the thought of having SS6 be 50% stronger than current SS4 is sort of ridiculous. I have said before my only issue with SS line at all is the xp nerf from having max ship at around lvl 76. After that, you get screwed, no reason for it. They could make SS6 the current SS4 and put 2 others between them and it would be fine. But OP? It's the rallying cry of the weak. I'm pretty much nobody in this game, and if I can EASILY trash lvl 100+ SS at will , why can't the 'gods' of this game do the same?

That can be the only reason for having SS 5 and 6 even 7, to correct the xp nerf. Or just remove it and keep only 4 subs, I don't really care, it's 1/3 of my NF experience, so it doesn't matter to get a bunch of 'new' sprites.

I'm glad that this sort of 'balancing' doesn't occur in the other games I play, lol. Could you imagine a "Sniper Rebalancing Project" in CoD? lol, of course, headed by the "Sniper Hating Shotgun Players Club". Sniper would end up with only 1 shot magazine, a hitbox the size of a house, 10x respawn time, -75% run speed, -50% health and oh, their skin would be increased to 4x size and made neon orange. Then it would be 'fair' to the other players.

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