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  • Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 11. 2008 12:02

What I propose, is instead of attempting to have host controlled Axis Vs. Allies
----In the center of Area 7 should be a PERMANENT waiting room.----
it never goes down (even when nobody is online)
it comes back up instantly when the servers are back online
basically... if a player anywhere can see area 7, he should see this waiting room
with varying ammounts of people inside (depending on player traffic at the time)

This "Waiting Room" will collect players, and it will automatically distinguish between
whether you are Axis (KM-IJN) or Ally (US-UK) and furthermore it will tag you with
what respective class and class number you are (CV-2... BB-4... CA-1)
Once you join the room and receive your designations the "waiting room" will
automatically begin a timer for how long you have been inside the waiting room.

So if you join this room and you are a US BB-5, it will wait for any Axis BB-5 to join
the waiting room and it will "band" the two of you together. Players who have been
waiting for longer ammounts of time will receive presidence over players who have
just joined.

Once you have a partner to cancell out your presence in the game, this waiting room
will begin dumping "banded" players into rooms that it will automattically open
(these rooms could even be invisible from the area 7 area because you wont be able
to join them without first going thru the waiting room, or perhaps the waiting room
could open them inside area 12, but have them locked so players can see how many
games are up at the moment to decide if they want to join the waiting room)

The waiting room will automatcally open-fill-autobalance-start GB style games with 6
CV's 14 BB's and any ammount of smaller supports ships up to a max player
ammount allowed in the game (i.e. 48)

Players will have absolutely no controll over how the games are setup, what maps
are played, who is playing with who... the only form of control a player will have is to
leave the waiting room (if he has a partner at that point that partner should receive
full credit for the ammount of time he had been waiting in the game instead of
starting over a new clock)

I imagine A waiting room in the middle of area 7 buzzing with joining ships of all
ranks constantly sending huge chunks of 20-40 players out all at one time to play
and then old Axis Vs. Allies games ending and the waiting room jumping back up in

there is a chance that the ratio of Axis to Allies players online at the moment will be
unbalanced therefor making one side have to wait a bit longer than the other, But
that is what the timer is for. to make sure nobody has to wait an outrageous
ammount of time to play the game just because no good matches come along.

It would be really nice to see the old enemies back at it again instead of a slew of
mixed ships going at it... It would be much easier to explain whats going on to
people who are interested in the game but do not play... It would reveal balancing
issues between the 2 Powers that could be looked at and corrected... I firmly beleive
it would increase play time... In addition I think it would make the game much more
enjoyable and intense...

I know that there are 15 or so Axis.Vs.Allies posts already up, some with decent
ammounts of detail... i read them all. But none have this sort of balancing tool
suggested and I beleive that this sort of mechanism would really make this
gametype come alive. But none-the-less, let the Flames begin... just please keep in
mind, im not doing this for points... im like level 3 after a year and a half or so.

Thanks for your time in reading this, and any positive feedback or constructive
critism you might leave!


  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    03. 28. 2011 17:01

very intresting i would like to have somthing like that

  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 25. 2008 17:32

thats not practical, because not the same ammount of axis ships will join as allies.

so if the game fills and the sides are uneven before the split even occurs, the
auto-balancer will have to kick players from the other side, and that wouldnt be very cool.

thats the reason the waiting room would be there. so it could just wait for a good game of
half axis and half allies to be int there and just make a game with them without the
players having to do anything except join this one room. and if the game mode was popular
that waiting room would be filling up rooms like nobodys buisness and starting 2-3 games
at the same time.

  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 19. 2008 23:08

Seems overly complicated. Better just to have an AvA room type with an auto balance that
sets it up.

  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 19. 2008 21:07

Dont see why they cant do this.

Good idea

  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 12. 2008 23:14

Level: 10
Server: Arizona
Fleet: Green Beasts
Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)
04 12 2008 7:34PM
You'd need to provide one hell of an incentive to get people to put up with this...

'pst'.. 'people dont like to wait'....

people, as it stands now, on average wait about 4-6 minutes. assuming the host
isn't retarted... which happens from time to time.

with the system I have come up with, the only time you would wait would be for
another ship of your caliber to join the waiting room... and then by the time that
happened you would be in a game playing... far less than it stands now...

If the system I suggested was implemented not only would the time waited be far
less, but the entire process of finding and joining and playing a game would be
extremely stream-lined. leaving only players to simply click into this one waiting room
and letting a computer do the rest of the work. without any incompitant hosts.

Just because its labeled a waiting room doesnt mean your going to be sitting there
for any ammount of time longer than the game already makes you wait... If it is
implemented the way I intend it to be, the wait time for game play will be drastically
reduced, and i think the player base as a whole will appreciate this.

  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 12. 2008 19:34

You'd need to provide one hell of an incentive to get people to put up with this...

'pst'.. 'people dont like to wait'....

  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 12. 2008 06:01


  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 11. 2008 21:37

Level: 1
Server: New York
Fleet: The Iron Guns
Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)
04 11 2008 8:39PM
this is to me DEFINETELY worth considering. i reckon this could be the idea that
really gets people to start really liking navy field but it will need a bit of refining in a
few points. like maybe a queue next to the timer saying "u are ship number 49 in
the queue" as well as a pop up chart showing the amounts of players waiting in the
room so like under axis it would show 5 bb5's waiting and under allies 2 bb5's
waiting just so u know who u are waiting for

I agree with you, that would definetly add some good interface to the system, but
with the vast majority of people complaining "over complication" I would try and
keep it as minimal as possible at first.
If it was ever put into the game, then suggestions on things like interface and
balance would be good issues to bring up, especially after the player base gets to
see and play the system first hand.
but definetly thank you nicman for your constructive post!

  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 11. 2008 20:39

this is to me DEFINETELY worth considering. i reckon this could be the idea that
really gets people to start really liking navy field but it will need a bit of refining in a
few points. like maybe a queue next to the timer saying "u are ship number 49 in
the queue" as well as a pop up chart showing the amounts of players waiting in the
room so like under axis it would show 5 bb5's waiting and under allies 2 bb5's
waiting just so u know who u are waiting for

  • Re : Waiting Room (Axis vs. Allies)

    04. 11. 2008 17:51


nice idea. but they say it's too complex. so.

draw a pseudo-code flowchart to show how it would work. this could be directly useful to
the coders to explain it.

tbh, doesn't matter HOW complicated it is, this isn't some guy trying to organise it, it's
a computer program, it can do millions of very simple calculations a millisecond.

so to the original poster, the challenge is to make it simple in terms of implementation.

alea jacta est?
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