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Royal Navy


  • Revenge or Renown?

    10. 28. 2009 10:51

I'm planing on getting a UK BB but which line should I go for?

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    09. 21. 2010 12:48

For your first UK BB, the answer is simple: Revenge.

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    09. 20. 2010 12:47

look I followed the line of renow and not enjoyed playing with him and because a boat
too bad even if you have a Nelson after his boat which is a very good guess compen?
you go by the line of revenge even as he ne for a King George tbm not very good as

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    09. 20. 2010 09:06


  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    09. 15. 2010 08:50

yea the pow is a speed boat in the bb world. nice fire power just really crap range.
pow is out ranegd by just about everything of the BB3 variety

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    09. 14. 2010 22:20

I have gone down both lines just like sinshz did. I reset my BO to the Hood line so I
could acquire it and the Nelly. Already have a carrier for the UK nation so all good.

Revenge: For new players to the UK line, rather balanced in all aspects. Slow yet
dependable. . . until the PoW of course. . .

Renown: For the more experienced and gutsy players. (Note: Disregard experience if
you have the dunk. The grind is easier that way, but at level gunners still suck.)
Grinding that long until either the scary Nelson or the scared Hood should teach
what is best with the UK lines. Run and gun KM style for the Hood or the Shoot Me
until you run out of shells Nelly.

For both lines, the L1 is the preferred ship for a BB4. Unless you enjoyed running
with 15s on the Hood, the Vanguard is not for the faint-hearted. It hits slow, soft
and rare. The opposite of a well-manned L1: hit hard, fast, often

I've been held at the mercy of both a blind rushing Nelson and the 4x2x15s Mark III
on the Hood. And I was driving a PoW mounted with 14"Ns that time too...

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    09. 12. 2010 10:46

ive played both lines upto bb4

stick with the venge, its the way to go, more guns tougher ship and over all more fun on the

the renown takes forever to get out of and is pretty crap.

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    09. 02. 2010 19:30

Looking for revenge, but later the ship better than nelson

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    08. 06. 2010 11:23

As someone who played both lines:

Renown is good for people with high level supports already in their arsenal.
Revenge is a good line for new crews, it has better balanced ships and the easier
playable ships.

Also Revenge and it's line contain good ships to hurt with while Renown line will hurt
you more then the enemy, the lack of range and broadside power will bite you around
lvl 65 since it will become a drag to get to the lvl 79 nelson or lvl 81 hood.

Also on a side note, don't bother with UK aa, it's not worth it in the long run since L2
and QV either need armor or speed to win and with AA you can't have either so it's a
death sentence, bring 2 more engineers and boost that OH time.

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    08. 02. 2010 10:32

Well, it is your personal choice, but be ready for the grind. You'll be doing 12 levels
in the Renown, which, while not the worst BB1 out there (that title belongs to the
Alaska), is most definitely not close to average. Then you'll be doing 13 levels in the
Repulse. Considering the overall awesomeness of BB2s, I'd call the Repulse the worst one
out there - it's an even tougher grind considering you lose 2 turrets of AA from each

And then the Nelson doesn't have scouts.

I'm puzzled though - why do you think the Nelson has a bucket-load of turrets? It's got
three. If you want to get the most guns period on a BB3, then put 14"L's on a Hood.
You'll go the speed of a snail comparatively, but anything that comes in range will be
erased from existence by 16 shells from hell. Note the "in range" bit, because that's
gonna be hard with BB1 range and less speed than 15"'s.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : Revenge or Renown?

    08. 01. 2010 21:58

As a new player who just started 4 days ago I thought I would add my two cents
worth of opinion based on reading every post in this thread with great interest.

I was glad the conversation was carried at length as I am a newb UK player who
just hit my Light Cruisers.

In short; after having read all of your experienced opinions on the OP question I am
happy to say that my choice has been sealed in stone thanks to all of you, but one
of you in particular.

For me it will be the York to the Renown.

For one reason and one reason alone as only one poster so poiniently pointed out.

Its the only way to get the NELSON. Its the only one with more turrets than I can
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