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Marine Nationale


  • Paris or Lyon ?????

    03. 08. 2010 07:36

Paris or Lyon ,plz give us Feed back and Rehor leave it or locked it u still a Troll :P

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    05. 17. 2010 19:19


  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    05. 11. 2010 09:09

You don't have to make the second set of gunners use aa. I've seen a lot of people
use them for hhs.

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    05. 11. 2010 07:58

ok, so i just got the BB5 MN Alsace , and a few things id like to add somethings, well
some say they love there Lyon because of range, i would strongly advice against it for a
couple of reasons, by the time you have reached the Paris you HAD been preparing your AA
gunners with in the Lyon u wont do it without sacrificing some things , so the Paris has 1
more slot and does 37 knots with the bare minimums my case 4 bulge .2 Belt, you are more
agile and can maneuver much better that Lyon now u know that u can load 12 Elite Engys on
Lyon and it won make a difference so u rotate 1 rep & 1 engy 2 make room for your AA
gunners and TRUST me you will regret not having Great AA Gunners, the MN AA is superb
!!!!! now u have reached the Richelieu which so many claim that its such a terrible ship
aging i disagree yes the first few games you will hate it with a AT level Crew just like
any other ship AT level Sucks,but now u have room for all gunners and supports ( well
still rotating 1 rep in my case ) with 4 engys you are now doing 41 knots LOADED 80
Bulge,belt all AA guns on , and u have a bit more range than the Lyon + shells hit harder,
to resume for those of you that believe that skipping the Richelieu is working great for
you because of the attk u are getting you better think twice as your crew will be on a
ship 30 LEVELS below which in turns will affect your crews Ability's and growth , so
unless you like to go back and re level AA gunners id stick to the Order of the Ships its
why they are like that!!!!

PS.. first 4 games in Alsace 180+ attacks doing 42 Knots

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    05. 10. 2010 22:37

Well that depends if you enjoy going back and leveling more crew for your BB5+, because of
the fewer support slots ...

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    05. 08. 2010 21:49

Lyon, since it has more range, if the paris uses the lvl 69's. Also the lyon has the
ability to one shot ALL the bb5s if it lands ALL of it's shells. The lyon might not go too
fast, but the paris only goes a knot faster if it has all the lvl 69 guns on, it goes
reasonably faster with 4 lvl 71 guns on. I've played both enough to know i had more
fun in the lyon.

C .onclusion= LYON

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    05. 08. 2010 05:58


  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    04. 25. 2010 14:40

man you guys are too good :P

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    04. 23. 2010 11:40


  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    04. 20. 2010 15:18

...and I was happy doing 80K... :)

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    04. 08. 2010 02:23

Paris FTW with 56 lvl guns

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