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Marine Nationale


  • Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 14. 2010 23:47

So Has anyone thought about this? I see almost no reason why it would be, yet it is.

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 21. 2010 15:17

Hey BoRe :D

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 21. 2010 11:52

Your right, BoRe, the world may never know, but we, as a community, do know this:
Your still whining about UK......

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 21. 2010 08:37

why is UK BB1 shell damage more than that of the biggest real guns in the game- no real
life, (yamato/super yamato)? the world may never know.

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 20. 2010 13:57

The stat listed is the default damage with out the angle (+) modifer included. The
Higher the angle the higher the damage. That is how you got those ONF numbers.

Why do you think its so hard to kill a Lion1 at close range? The shells are doing far
less damage even tho they dont have much belt.

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 20. 2010 10:51

and why is the size of a bb4 smaller than a bb1/ubersized ca?

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 19. 2010 07:23

compare US and KM plz :)
H39's 16"...err...

anyway, with awesome AA for MN...a edge.

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 19. 2010 01:04

They dont have less range, the problem is they dont have much more range either. Just try
to outrange some BB3 and u will see the only thing the rich is usefull in is AA.

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 18. 2010 21:23

The damage listed under the "HE Damage" stat in-game are not accurate
representations of actual damage. What they actually list, we don't know, because SDE
has never told us. However, the "HE Damage" stat is not an accurate representation of
actual damage.

An example of this is the US 16"/50 Mk2. The LHE shell's HE damage ingame is listed at
1,193. The ACTUAL damage for that shell, per testing done in ONF1, was 3.6k deck, 2.5k

So no. HE Damage stat ingame is unreliable and flat-out wrong. And it lacks an
excessive amount of detail, as damage depends on a great many factors.

I seriously doubt Rich's 14.96" actually have less damage per shell then the 13.4"

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 18. 2010 14:48

Yes it is true. I got to level 91 and put on the appropriate guns and looked at the
shell damage. Less that the previous set and reload time was longer. WHAT? That
Blows You have to wait 2 levels to get an inferior gun. The range isnt that much
better either.

I really haven't studied other nations as stated above that have similar problems.

Well I AW my BB4 now with the BB3 guns. It is quite a fun setup. You can "1 on 1" a
non front gun only L1 or L2 and take em down.

8.5 deck and 1.5 belt Fun Fun Fun.

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 18. 2010 01:45

Although I did use the Paris, Stras and Rich on a few occasions, I pretty much went from
lvl 63 to 105 using the Lyon nearly exclusively. The Lyon is, in this respect, similar to
a mini Ise/Fuso in terms of firepower. Volley damage with the Lyon has more to do with the
fact you are firing 16x13.4" rounds compared to 8x12" (Paris), 8x13" (Stras), and 8x14.96"
(Rich). At around lvl 90, BVE gunners can begin to tear BB45 apart inside 25 degree firing
range because, at and under this range, your spread is a straight wall of shells.
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