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  • WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    05. 11. 2010 07:47

ok, so i just got the BB5 MN Alsace , and a few things id like to add somethings, well
some say they love there Lyon because of range, i would strongly advice against it for a
couple of reasons, by the time you have reached the Paris you HAD been preparing your AA
gunners with in the Lyon u wont do it without sacrificing some things , so the
WE SHOULD NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Paris has 1 more slot and does 37 knots with the bare minimums my case 4 bulge .2 Belt,
you are more agile and can maneuver much better that Lyon now u know that u can load 12
Elite Engys on Lyon and it won make a difference so u rotate 1 rep & 1 engy 2 make room
for your AA gunners and TRUST me you will regret not having Great AA Gunners, the MN AA is
superb !!!!! now u have reached the Richelieu which so many claim that its such a terrible
ship aging i disagree yes the first few games you will hate it with a AT level Crew just
like any other ship AT level Sucks,but now u have room for all gunners and supports (
well still rotating 1 rep in my case ) with 4 engys you are now doing 41 knots LOADED 80
Bulge,belt all AA guns on , and u have a bit more range than the Lyon + shells hit harder,
to resume for those of you that believe that skipping the Richelieu is working great for
you because of the attk u are getting you better think twice as your crew will be on a
ship 30 LEVELS below which in turns will affect your crews Ability's and growth , so
unless you like to go back and re level AA gunners id stick to the Order of the Ships its
why they are like that!!!!

PS.. first 4 games in Alsace 180+ attacks doing 42 Knots

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    07. 08. 2010 16:29

Went back to the Paris with lvl71 guns, using lvl92 12+ BVE gunners. Spread is average
at best. Maybe it's a correct control measure for the high number of guns, but it's a
common issue along the whole BB line.

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    07. 08. 2010 11:01

Ya I have EBVE gunners level 100 and the spread still sucks on all MN bbs up to BB4,
I went both lines I know. I playing the BB4 right now.

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    07. 08. 2010 06:52

Whats funny is I skipped the Paris and Strahs...hated them both

I used the Lyon till Richelieu. I liked the Richelieu, albeit I have 200 vet gunners and

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    07. 01. 2010 22:22

There are certain facts that were considered. Some say yes and some say no but for me I am
playing for the love of the game. In a certain way some people wants to experience the
ships and let them find out for themselves..

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    07. 01. 2010 19:55

Used the Normandie and Lyon all the way to Alsace. True, the Richelieu ain't bad
either, but I enjoyed the Normandie and Lyon much more.

People often mistake me for CLs and CAs and often ignore me till its too late. Those
with bad spreads have a rather hard time hitting me when I rush.

And the best part is, they're level 60-70 ships, giving me great bonus exp when I hit
BB4s, BB5s and BB6s.

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    06. 28. 2010 16:42

Richelieu with Strasbourg lvl81 guns or with its own lvl91 guns has the same range. It
needs some adjustment there.

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    06. 20. 2010 08:21

richelieu looks sexy :)

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    06. 15. 2010 09:20

I have been playing Paris lately and I like it. Tiny hit box and decent fairepower and

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    06. 13. 2010 04:18

after using every single Ship in the MN line i would go thru every single 1 this way u
will get what we mean, the Richelieu is not a bad Ship as is the rumors now if u went with
a crap base crew that's another story, i am doing 42 Knots on the Alsace with 4 EBVE
engys, 3 EBVE Reps, 2 AA gunners , 2 ACC gunners,and Scout, .02Belt and 49 Bulge, this
with the Richelieu guns & a d i find it amazing ,aging that's been my exp with it the AA
is phenomenal, level 20s @ 25 angle and sit back to collect Boat loads of experts...

  • Re : WHY should we skip Paris and Richelieu ????????

    06. 09. 2010 23:44

1 thing i'm a old bate player 2005 1st thing i would ask why u need 5 eng when the max is
3 any more a wast of time lvling.
old school set 3 eng/2 res/2 repa/1 scout/2 acc gunner/2 reload gunners for aa
but still why 5 eng
1 2 3 4