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  • A premium sub I-400 for japan

    06. 29. 2010 03:13

I thought a premium sub like the Jap secret sub I-400 should be a fine premium sub for IJN.
Bout i don't now the other premium sub for the other nations.
I think it's should be nice whit premium sub and so and you pay like 10 bucks for it.
It's as all other premium ships bout this is a sub instead.
What do you guys and girls think about prem sub then?
Good or bad?

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    04. 08. 2011 11:49

Why premium can be ss5? ;do you want all grandpha crying in forum?No PSS

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    04. 06. 2011 21:22

yeah no. SS's are fine how they are, and already do enough damage and such.

It would be unfair to have a prem SS in any nation.

Simply because SS's are over powered as it is...

and Tomm96... when has a BB4 EVER 1 shotted a BB4+? NEVER!
Also, this should be in the sub suggestion tread -.- you should have added the idea

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    04. 06. 2011 16:39

All FFs r overpowered. :( Plz nerf FF!

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    04. 06. 2011 16:07

^ necro ftw. And no to the 5-6 mins idea. KM ss4s are already extremely destructive
being as fast as they are combined with proxies and those evil deck guns...

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    04. 06. 2011 16:04

i have one for the KM SS5, the Type XXI, it can stay sumerged like 5 to 6 mins, i dont
know, its only an idea, =)

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 07. 2010 05:21

tl;dr I'd rather not see a plane launching sub in NF.

-- some of my thoughts/observations on the subject --
It is wanted because such subs were built in RL, though never actually got to see real action.

There are concerns that SS4 already are too powerful. Should a PSS be equal or better to
the tier 4 subs, the (perceived?) problem would grow even worse.

The historical I-400 launched M6A Seiran planes. These are already in game, as the tier1
torpedo bomber.

The specifications (in rl) called for 7 minute launch time per plane, in practice the time
ended up being 10 minutes. The M6A torp bomber launchtime in game is listed as 11 seconds.
This is of course from an actual CV, not a submarine where the plane would have wings
folded etc. A sub-launched plane could have this attribute increased if deemed necessary.

Ship turret firing speeds seem to be at least somewhat realistic for all I know. However,
operational range of planes (in this case 1500km) and turret firing ranges in comparison
also don't really compare to reality, so maybe that balances out?

In Navyfield, submerged submarines have full visibility relayed to them underwater by
surface ships, planes etc. In reality the subs were mostly cut off from the world and
radio transmissions were minimised to prevent enemy from triangulating the sub positions.

Game balance should come first, since the simulation doesn't accurately (or even close to
accurate) portray real naval combat. While the game does have multiple ships that never
got built in reality, those ships weren't totally new concepts.

Submarines are already the ship class that most deviates from their real life
counterparts: surfaced subs don't have much to fear from a frigates deck guns (even the
weakest sub can take more punishment surfaced than a frig/dd), their speeds are much
greater than reality (especially submerged), aircraft aren't a big threat to subs (unlike
RL, subs don't spend most of their time surfaced), sonar is 100% chance to detect within
range x. Mind you, having "realistic" subs in Navy Field wouldn't make for an exciting
submarine experience at all.
Introducing subs that further complicate things with planes would lead to even more
trouble in balancing and deviation from how they operated in reality.

What would happen if this sub is being camped by a depth charge DD/CL? it recalls the
dive/torp bombers it had launched previously to drive off/harass the depth charge threat,
while itself being immune to the bombs/torps from those planes. The flight time of those
planes couldn't allow this to constantly happen, and keeping the planes nearby (and unused
for other targets) would give a hint on sub location.

How would planes wanting to return from lack of fuel treated when the sub is underwater be

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 06. 2010 22:12

us shoul get a gato class pss but make it lvl like 62

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 06. 2010 20:20

Japex, knowing the absolute hard-on for historical accuracy NF has, the I-400 would get a
loadout of 3 vipers. As in, Battlestar Galactica Vipers.

It would actually be quite hilarious, now that I think of it... and then after the first
time I see it, it'd just be sad.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 06. 2010 19:02

Bad. Why would someone pay $10 for a sub that only has 3 Aichi M6A1 Seiran sea-

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 06. 2010 18:41

oh... nothing new here, move along
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